Father&daughter on beach

Parenting | 10 Ways to Talk About An Absent Parent (4-8 years)

When children start school, it usually becomes more obvious to them that many children have two parents. Not of course always in the same home, but present to some extent in their lives. Therefore, children may start to ask questions about their own parents. For children in Catholic schools, the First Holy Communion preparation often […]

Parenting | Children’s Books About Families

Finding the right books to support your child during a time of family transition, or to help answer questions that can be challenging, can be difficult.  One Family has compiled a list of children’s books which may help your child to better understand their unique family and all kinds of families. This extensive list includes […]

Angry Child

Parenting | 10 Ways to Support an Angry Child

Children who are feeling very angry on a regular basis usually have some underlying problem that they need help in expressing.  Having to punish a child for the same repeated behaviour is telling you that there is something else going on, and it is time now to make a new plan to deal with it. […]

absent parent

Parenting | 10 Ways to Talk To Your Child About An Absent Parent (0-3 yrs)

It can be daunting when your baby is born and you start to think about how to tell them that their other parent does not want to be part of their life at that time, or maybe never. However, it is best to introduce this concept from day one. This way you do not allow […]

Policy | OFP Reform – The Real Life Impacts

In recent months, much has been written and said about both the problems and benefits for one-parent families on social welfare that have been put through the One-Parent Family Payment (OFP) reform process. At the heart of this are the cuts in income faced by many parents who are working part-time and in receipt of social welfare. […]

sibling relationships

Parenting | 10 Ways to Support A Child With A New Sibling

Becoming a big brother or sister can be very exciting for many children, and at the same time a little scary. They may be wondering how life will change for them in both positive and negative ways. Some children as they get older prefer being an only child, while others long for a sibling. In this article […]


Parenting | 10 Ways to Parent ‘On The Run’

For many parents it can feel like you are on a treadmill that is never switched off. On Monday you might be asked, how was your weekend? You look in amazement at the person and try to think, the weekend, when was that? Whether sharing parenting, parenting alone, when your children are very young or teenagers, […]

Supporting a step parent relationship150x150

Parenting | 10 Ways to Support a Child in a Step Parent Relationship

Having a step parent is a very normal part of life for many children in Ireland today. Often children hear about step mothers in fairy tales and the picture painted is not one that would excite you. In order for children to have a good relationship with a step parent they need to be supported in […]

Press Release | End Child Poverty, Get it Right for One-Parent Families in Budget 2016

Press Release End Child Poverty, Get it Right for One-Parent Families in Budget 2016 One Family will state at the Pre-Budget Forum tomorrow that Government has sacrificed lone parents and their children for long enough. (Dublin, Thursday 2 July 2015) One Family, Ireland’s organisation for people parenting alone, sharing parenting and separating, will be participating […]

Having Fun In Summer

Parenting | 10 Ways to Have Fun This Summer

It is easy to trudge through the summer months wishing they were over, especially when we may not have the money for a holiday at a time when it seems that everyone is going away.  However, you can still have fun over the summer months without it costing money. Try to make a conscious effort […]

Press Release | Government Activation Policy Comes into Effect for 30,000 One-Parent Families

Press Release Thousands of children are poorer today as government activation policy comes into effect for 30,000 one-parent families with children aged 7   (Dublin, Wednesday 24 June 2015) Thursday 25 June is the last date of payment of the One-Parent Family Payment to over 30,000 families as their youngest child reaches 7 years of age. This […]

School Holidays

Parenting | 10 Ways to Manage School Holidays

For some parents the school holidays are a respite time with a more relaxed routine. However, it can be a nightmare for others and so requires a lot of planning and management. As parents we learn quickly that when raising children it is important to have as many options and resources as you can possibly […]

School Tours

Parenting | 10 Ways to Prepare For School Tours

School tours can be a time of great excitement for many children and one of dread for many parents. The cost may be one issue, but especially for those with younger children it may be the first time you have allowed anyone take your child on a day out. It is ok to feel anxious […]

Press Release | One Family Demands Reform of the One-Parent Family Payment Stops Immediately

One Family demands Reform of the One-Parent Family Payment stops immediately before more poor children are harmed (Dublin, Tuesday 9 June 2015) One Family – Ireland’s organisation for people parenting alone, sharing parenting and separating demands an immediate stop, review and reversal of this current reform. Stuart Duffin, One Family, Director of Policy and Programmes, […]

Parenting | 10 Ways to Plan and Enjoy Special Days With Your Child

When relationships break down the greatest challenge is getting past the conflict and moving on. As parents, we must remember that our children always come first. This can be hard to see when you are trying to plan for a big occasion. Many parents need ongoing support to help them to agree on parenting issues.  […]

Parenting | 10 Ways to Support A Child Who Is Bullying

There are often complex reasons behind why a child is bullying. A child who is bullying usually has some unmet needs at home or at school. They may be confused about why they’re behaving the way they are.  Some children who bully may be aware of the harm their behaviour is causing but feel powerless […]

Family Pride

Parenting | 10 Ways to Feel Pride In Your Family

It is important for you and your children to have a sense of pride about your family. No matter what form your family takes, what wealth you may or may not have, or what activities you may or may not do, being secure in one’s family and self – which will nurture family pride – […]

Event | Celebrating UN International Day of Families with the Family Day Festival on Sunday

Today, 15 May, is United Nations International Day of Families. The Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993. Ten years ago, inspired by International Day of Families, One Family founded Family Day in Ireland. It takes place on the first Sunday following 15 May annually and is a day when we celebrate the […]

Supporting A Child Who Is Being Bullied

Parenting | 10 Ways to Support A Child Who Is Being Bullied

It is agonising for a parent or guardian to suspect or learn that their child is being bullied while at school. The priority if this happens is to understand and support your child, while taking action to stop the bullying and doing everything possible to prevent it happening again in the future. As part of […]

Press Release | Dublin’s Wolfe Tone Square Hosts Free Festival Celebrating Family Diversity

Press Release Dublin’s Wolfe Tone Square Hosts Free Festival Celebrating Family Diversity Celebrate your family, celebrate all families. Family Day Festival | Sunday 17 May 2015 | www.familyday.ie (Dublin, Friday 8 May 2015) One Family – Ireland’s organisation for people parenting alone, sharing parenting and separating – celebrates the wonderful diversity of families in Ireland […]