One Family election manifesto published

One Family’s election manifesto has been sent to all the political parties and we will keep you up-dated of any feedback. You can read our manifesto here

Top 3 questions for election 2011

Please make one-parent families an issue in the election by asking canvassers these questions: 1 What will your party do in government to reduce the very high poverty rates experienced by one-parent families? 2 What are your views on the recent social welfare changes that require lone parents whose youngest child is over 14 to […]

One Family Director gives talk on charity mergers, 2 March

Karen Kiernan, One Family’s Director, will be giving a talk about collaborations and mergers at a WINSENT (Wales Ireland Network for Social Entrepreneurship) Networking Event at 6.30pm on Wednesday 2 March at Boston College, 42 St Stephens Green, Dublin 2. For Further information see

Bric a Brac sale for One Family

The kind people at Honest2Goodness Market are running a Charity Bring and Buy Sale on 26 Feb and 6 March in aid of One Family, at 136a Slaney Close, Dublin Industrial Estate, Glasnevin. It’s the perfect chance to do a spring clean, de-clutter your home – and let the proceeds go to a very good […]

One Family Director speaks out on The Last Word

Listen back to One Family Director Karen Kiernan on The Last Word, Thursday 27 January, debating Prof Ed Walsh on lone parents, DNA testing, poverty and a whole lot more Go to Part 2 and the debate starts at about 41 mins.

‘New Futures’ for lone parents launched in Galway today

An intensive career and personal development initiative for lone parents is being launched in Galway today, to prevent those most in need from falling into long-term unemployment. ‘New Futures’ is a unique programme developed by One Family, funded through FAS and delivered in partnership with the Galway City Partnership. It is targeted at lone parents […]

TV3’s Midweek seeks parents affected by budget

TV3’s Midweek is looking for people who parent alone, and who find themselves struggling since the budget cuts, to take part on their Weds 26 Jan show. Please call 087 6495710 if you are interested.

Want a free makeover?

Parenting alone can be a costly business and leave little time for pampering yourself, but, RTE’s fashion series Off The Rails are looking for candidates. You get the makeover,  €500 worth of clothes and travel expenses – so it’s a great idea if you’re in a ‘New Year, New Me’ kind of mood.  Email […]

Christmas Tips for Parents

Christmas is a wonderful time to celebrate with your family. But for one-parent families it can bring extra pressures – whether it’s money worries, contact issues, or making sure you have a good time yourself. See One Family’s tips on how to get through Christmas in today’s Irish Times piece and also see our Survival […]

One Family on RTE’s Prime Time

Candy Murphy, One Family Policy Director, speaks up for one-parent families on RTE One TV’s Prime Time in response to Budget 2011 – see this link – Candy starts at 8 minutes 54 seconds in –

Children in One-parent Families the Real Victims of Budget

One Family, the leading provider of specialised support services for one-parent families in Ireland today, 7th December 2010, gives its response to Budget 2011. At a time when cutbacks were inevitable One Family had called on the Government to protect those already experiencing high levels of poverty and social exclusion from any more cuts. ‘But […]

Snow or no snow – the show will go on tonight

Handel’s Messiah is the perfect compliment to the festive weather and The Culwick Choral Society were in fine voice last night. The show starts again at 8pm tonight, 2 December, at St Patrick’s Cathedral. Tickets €30 at the door, supporting one-parent families. Please spread the word. The Cathedral will be warm and toasty, the atmosphere will […]

Parent alone and worried by budget?

Do you parent alone and feel you are badly hit by budget cuts to your welfare payments? If you’d like to speak out about this in the media please email us at as soon as you can. Thanks.

One-parent families to suffer under planned cuts

One Family, Ireland’s leading organisation for one-parent families, warns that any of the planned cuts in social welfare payments or in the minimum wage announced in the National Recovery Plan 2011-2014 will directly increase the thousands of one-parent families already living in poverty.

One Family video shortlisted for award

Thanks to everyone who voted for our family equality video. We got hundreds of votes in a very short space of time and really appreciate your support. You can view it here

Thanks for voting for our family equality video

We got hundreds of votes for our family equality video in an incredibly short space of time and fingers crossed we get into the shortlist to win €3000 for the charity. View it here – comments welcome. A big thank you to everyone who voted!

Messiah Performance in aid of One Family

Wednesday 1 & Thursday 2 December @ 8pm, St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin 8. Tickets Euro 30. One Family, the support organisation for one-parent families, is delighted to announce that it has been chosen as the benefiting charity for this year’s performances of Handel’s Messiah by the Culwick Choral Society. With performances on 1 and 2 […]

From teapots to castles – every legacy makes a difference

One Family is pleased to be part of Legacy Promotion Ireland (LPI) as they launch a national campaign to promote legacy giving in Ireland.  According to recent research carried out by The Community Foundation for Ireland, a member of LPI, 62% of Irish people consider leaving a charitable bequest in their will, but in 2008 […]

Dad’s workshop 23 November

Need a hand with parenting? Our next dad’s afternoon workshop ‘Understanding Children’s Emotions and Managing Behaviour’ is on 23 November and it costs E10. Contact Geraldine at 01 6629212 for more information.

A Big Thanks For Supporting Big Night In

Thanks to everyone who helped to make our Big Night In and International Day of the Family celebrations such a huge success – and especially to everyone at EBS who supported us so generously – and also to those who sent their photos in to enter the draw for €1000. Families and friends held all types […]