One-Parent Families and An Bord Snip proposals

other rusty scissors

One-Parent Families and An Bord Snip proposals
Please find below some information on what has been recommended by An Bord Snip Nua to the government in relation to social welfare and lone parents. Please bear in mind that this has not yet been decided and we will be continuing to analyse the effects these changes would have on families and lobby the government to ensure that one-parent families are not put further into poverty.
If you are concerned about any of these issues please contact askonefamily* our national helpline on 1890 66 22 12 or
If you would like to become involved in lobbying on these issues please contact us on and we will get back to you shortly.

5% reduction in social welfare rates, which would affect the One Parent Family Payment as well as other social welfare payments

Child Benefit – a proposed reduction in the rate from €166 to €136 a month per child.  This would be the standard flat rate for all dependent children. There would not be an increased rate of child benefit for the third child or subsequent children, as it currently exists.

Proposal that double payments will come to an end:

FIS: It is proposed that for those already in receipt of a social welfare payment, such as the One Parent Family Payment then they would be not be eligible for a second social welfare payment such as FIS.

CE Schemes: The proposal is that double payments will not be made, so for those currently on a CE scheme and receiving the One Parent Family Payment they will not be affected whilst on their current placements but this will change if their placement is renewed or if they change placement. For new CE participants who start a scheme the proposal is that they will not receive both payments.

Half-rate benefits:
It is proposed that all half-rate entitlements will cease for new applicants so for example, the half rate Carer’s Allowance, the half rate Jobseeker’s Benefit and the half rate Illness Benefit will not be available to those on a One Parent Family Payment, under the new proposals.
For those already in receipt of a half-rate payment it is proposed that this will be phased out over a 5 year period.
Reduction of medical card income guidelines:
One proposal is to reduce the level of the income guidelines for medical card eligibility to standard social welfare rates and to reduce the length of time a person can keep their medical card after entering employment from 3 years to 1 year.
There is also a proposal to introduce a €5 charge for each prescription dispensed under General Medical Services.
Rent Supplement:
There may be grounds for further cuts to Rent Supplement following the reductions in Rent Supplement levels on 1st June 2009 and that these cuts should be consistent with real rent decreases in the market.