Seminar on proposed changes to family law by LRC
‘We were discussing the LRC report so that we can respond to it in an informed and measured way,’ explains One Family Director Karen Kiernan, ‘the report examines many issues including family rights and relationships and asks whether guardianship rights for non-marital fathers should be changed, whether there should be compulsory joint registration of births and whether rights and responsibilities should be extended to other family members such as step-parents and grandparents. Our seminar has ensured that our response will be informed by the expertise of legal professionals and the experience of those working with families directly involved in these issues.’
Candy Murphy, Policy & Research Manager of One Family said:
‘We welcome informed analysis of the issues affecting the rights and responsibilities of members of ‘non traditional’ families, with a strong focus on the rights and welfare of children and on the development of a new language in family law that reflects this emphasis.’
‘I welcome the fact that the guiding principle for the Law Reform Commission in considering the area of family law is the welfare of the child as enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child,’ he comments, ‘the introduction of a statutory presumption in favour of granting a non-marital father an order for guardianship unless the welfare and interests of the child dictated otherwise has much to recommend it, given the realities of modern family life. However, much more consideration needs to be given as to how such a presumption would operate, informed by recent judgements and by national and international experience.’