One Family,Ten Solutions – cost neutral solutions to help lone parents back into work & education

Stuart Duffin, One Family, Welfare to Work Manager, was at the 66th Labour Party Conference in Galway over the weekend promoting One Family’s course of   action in response to Budget 2012.  All 750 copies of the paper, One Family – Ten Solutions – Smarter Futures were taken and read. One Family is advocating cost neutral administrative […]

Ian Dempsey Launches Family Day 2012 for One Family


Our New Contact Centre gets loads of press coverage

We got loads of press coverage for the launch of our new Child Contact Centre service which is great. Here is One Family Director Karen Kiernan on The Last Word with Matt Cooper explaining all about it at 15 minutes into the clip.

Over half a million people live in one-parent families in Ireland

Here are some figures of interest from Census 2011 1 in 8 people in Ireland live in a one-parent family (Census 2011) 567,311 persons out of a general population of 4,588,252. 1 in 4 (25.8%) families with children in Ireland is a one-parent family (Census 2011) 215,315 lone parent families out of 834,266 families with children. We previously reported […]

Barnardos and One Family launch Contact Service for Children and Separated Parents

Press Release Barnardos and One Family launch much needed Service for Children and Separated Parents in Ireland Dublin, 2 April 2012 – A new service for children whose parents are separated and who are unable to agree safe and appropriate arrangements for contact was launched today by Minister for Children Frances Fitzgerald, TD. The first-of-its […]

Monitoring Integration in Dublin City programme launch

Programme for the launch of Monitoring Integration in Dublin City Co-hosted by The Integration Centre and the Office for Integration, Community and Enterprise Section, Dublin City Council

Join our Panel

One Family is Ireland’s leading organisation for one-parent families. We provide expert support to people parenting alone or sharing parenting and their children through our services, our life-long learning and welfare to work programmes. We are compiling a panel of tutors/trainers(from across Ireland) to assist us in delivering our FETAC accredited programmes which cover personal […]

Are we ready for Single Working Age payment (SWAP)

Media release Embargo: 1pm 13 March, 2012 Are we ready for Single Working Age Payment – Lone parents need flexibility, childcare and jobs One Family welcomes the publication of the Report on the Single Working Age Payment (SWAP) Proposal by the Joint Committee on Jobs, Social Protection and Education. As one of the key organisations […]

Volunteers wanted for Family Day!

One Family is looking for volunteers to help plan our Family Day which takes place on Sunday 13th May in the Iveagh gardens from 11-5pm. Family Day is a national celebration of the diversity of families and family life in Ireland. ‘Mothers’ Day is for mums and ‘Fathers’ Day is for dads but Family Day […]

One Family Director Karen Kiernan on RTE with Joan Burton

One Family Director Karen Kiernan was on RTE TV’s Frontline last night with Joan Burton TD. Karen was speaking up for lone parents and the Jobbridge programme set up by government last week. Karen got to make a few points about the activation of lone parnents, at 44 minutes in.

Volunteers Needed for Media Research

 Volunteers Needed for Media Research and Project Co-ordination for One Family 40th Anniversary One Family is Ireland’s leading organisation for one-parent families. Set up as Cherish in 1972, with Mary Robinson as Chairperson, we mark our 40th anniversary this year and have a number of campaigns and projects planned. We are looking for skilled volunteers […]

Briefing doc from DSP on final changes to OPF payment

Here is the Briefing document on Changes to OFP  from DSP on the (final) changes to the One Parent Family payment following the budget. If you’ve any questions feel free to contact askonefamily helpline 1890622122. Several additional points that came up in the discussion were: OPFP recipients who move on to the back to education […]

Messiah raises €10,000 for One Family

One Family is so grateful to The Culwick Choir and all who attended their wonderful Messiah concert in St Patrick’s Cathedral – thanks to you all we raised almost €10,000 for our askonefamily helpline 1890 662212. Hallelujah! Here is a short audio piece on the event…

One parent’s story of parenting alone in 2012

Niamh rang our askonefamily 1890 662212 helpline, here’s her personal story of parenting alone in Ireland in 2012. It will make you think…. I work in the Kildare area and am a single mother with two girls.  One eight year old and a three year old. My youngest child goes to a local private creche […]

Minister Burton responds to Ciara Conway TD re One Family queries

Ciara Conway T.D. has kindly given us permission to share the following information. Following our meeting with Ciara and our two page budget analysis, she raised several issues about the budget cuts with Minister Burton. Minister Burton’s letter of response is enclosed here and this is One Family Director Karen Kiernan’s response to Ciara Conway: […]

Meeting 14 Dec to oppose budget cuts to One Parent Family payment

There is a meeting being organised on Weds 14 Dec in the Central Hotel Dublin to oppose the cuts to the One Parent family payment, supported by many lone parent groups. The purpose is to organise all groups to unite together for one big march, and a continuous campaign until these cuts are reversed.

Press Release | Urgent Reversals Required Before Drastic Cuts Foisted on Ireland’s Poorest Families

Media Release, 8 December 2011   Urgent reversals required before drastic cuts foisted on Ireland’s poorest families One Family, the leading national organisation for one-parent families, is extremely concerned at the cuts targeted at one-parent families in Budget 2012. Our thousands of members, clients and supporters are also very concerned and our national helpline has […]

Update on our campaign to reverse budget cuts

Here is any update on what we’ve been doing – we have lobbied every TD and senator by phone or email and have managed to get meetings with Labour and FG politicians today to try and get changes to the proposed cuts. Senators are also raising questions for us today. We have also emailed thousands […]

One Family calls for revearsal on Budget 2012 cuts affecting one-parent families

We know that many of you are worried, angry and confused by what has been announced in Budget 2012 in relation to one-parent families.  We hear that many of you want to have your voices heard and the cuts reversed. Your comments, personal stories and views are essential so do please keep sharing not just […]

Budget 2012 – easy to read points on how it might affect you

One Parent Family Payment  The rate of payment for the One Parent Family Payment will remain at €188 for the adult and €29.80 per child, per week. The upper age limit of the youngest child for new claimants of the One-Parent Family Payment will be reduced to 7 years on a phased basis. It will […]