Positive Parenting Manual Cover

Positive Parenting for Changing Families, a One Family Seminar in National Parents Week

On Tuesday 21 October we present a seminar entitled Positive Parenting for Changing Families in Dublin Castle. Of particular interest to those working with children, families and/or in the sector, we will celebrate National Parents Week (20-26 October 2014) while reviewing the importance of a Positive Parenting approach with a range of experts. We will also launch our updated Positive Parenting for […]

Girl blowing dandelion seeds

10 Ways to Talk With Your Child About “Where do I come from?”

Many young children will start to wonder about and question where they came from, sometimes triggered by meeting new friends at school or learning that new little siblings will be coming into the family, while other children may have hardly any interest in the topic. Whatever your child’s level of curiosity may be, it’s helpful […]

Grandad and Baby

10 Ways to Support Grandparents’ Relationships with Grandchildren

Everyone who is a parent can benefit from family support. Grandparents can be a wonderful source of strength and knowledge, especially to a mum or dad parenting on their own. It’s not always possible for a parent and their child to have a Grandparent in their lives for a variety of reasons, but when it […]

Government Policies Push More One-Parent Families Out of Work and Into Poverty

Press Release Government policies push more one-parent families out of work and into poverty – One Family Annual Review 2013 www.onefamily.ie (Dublin, Monday 29 September 2014) One Family – Ireland’s organisation for people parenting alone and people sharing parenting – launches its Annual Review 2013 amid ongoing trends of embattled parents leaving work due to poorly […]

Video | Annual Review 2013 and Five Budget Demands

Today we launch our Annual Review 2013. Throughout the year, we offered 3,611 individual service offerings and 2,474 in-person service interactions; an increase on the previous year of 9%. Also today, we reiterate our demands for Budget 2015 (our full Pre-Budget Submission can be read here) which is scheduled to be announced on Tuesday 14 October. […]

Dad and children walking on beach

10 Ways to Develop Coping Skills in Your Family

Problems are a normal part of life. Many families face situations in life that, despite our best efforts, we simply can’t ‘fix’.  Often there are other options we can explore and developing coping skills helps us to identify what these could be. Good coping skills also help us to learn to accept those situations that […]


Children & Family Relationships Bill Published Today is a Major Step to Recognising Family Diversity and Change in Ireland

Press Release One Family Welcomes Children & Family Relationships Bill as a Major Step to Recognising Family Diversity and Change in Ireland: but to work it requires investment (Dublin, Thursday 25 September 2014) One Family – Ireland’s organisation for one-parent families and people sharing parenting – welcomes the publication of the Children & Family Relationships […]

Featured Service | Parent Mentoring

Every month a member of the One Family services team explains more about the particular supports they offer. This month, Parent Mentor Niki Williams writes about One Family mentoring supports available to all parents. Parent Mentoring is a service where a parent can safely talk one to one with a trained professional about any concerns […]

Lone Parents Forced Out of Workforce – One Family Supports New St Vincent De Paul Report

Press Release Government Claims to Have Protected ‘Most Vulnerable’ yet One-Parent Families are Poorer When Working  One Family supports today’s St Vincent De Paul report findings  (Dublin, Monday 22 September 2014) One Family – Ireland’s organisation for one-parent families and people sharing parenting – welcomes the St  Vincent De Paul report published today which recognises […]

Safefood Urges Parents to Say No to Treats Every Day

safefood’s excellent Childhood Obesity campaign launches into another phase today with a focus on treat foods for children. safefood is urging parents to say no to sweets, biscuits and crisps every day and to cut down on the amount of treat foods children are eating, so that a treat food becomes just that – an occasional […]

10 Ways to Make the Most of the Playground

Playgrounds are wonderfully exciting for children. As well as providing an opportunity to make friends, using playground equipment can help to build children’s dexterity, strength and confidence. Being outdoors regularly is good for both children and parents’ well-being and sharing fun at the playground also creates more opportunities to bond with your child. Read on […]

More New Research from Australia Proves Marriage is not Responsible for Children’s Well-being

“Growing up in a single parent family or being raised by parents who are not married does not condemn children to a life of unhappiness, underachievement and delinquency. Rather than blaming parents and labelling their life circumstances as selfish choices, it is time for social policy debates to focus on how we can effectively support parents. […]

Child Payment a Start for Budget 2015 but Lone Parents Need Support to Stay in Work

Press Release  Child Payment a Start for Budget 2015 but Lone Parents Need Support to Stay in Work   (Dublin, 15.09.2014) One Family – Ireland’s organisation for one-parent families and people sharing parenting – today welcomes the welfare to work dividend for parents returning to work provided it is combined with an income disregard for […]


Volunteer with our askonefamily Helpline

Are you interested in a challenging and vital volunteer role that makes a real difference? We are seeking volunteers for askonefamily, One Family’s national lo-call helpline service for all members of one-parent families and those who share parenting, their families and friends, and professionals working with them. The aim of the role is to assist helpline callers […]

Karen Kiernan

One Family CEO Karen Kiernan Appointed to ‘Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures’ Advisory Council

CEO of One Family, Karen Kiernan, has been appointed to the Advisory Council being established by the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs under Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures: the National Policy Framework for Children and Young People 2014-2020. The Children’s Rights Alliance (CRA) requested nominations from its members with the appointments made by Paul Gilligan, Chair […]


10 Ways to Encourage Healthier Eating Habits

In this week’s ’10 Ways to’, our series of weekly parenting tips, we look at how to encourage children to eat more healthily. It is important for parents to instill healthy eating habits in children and, despite the fact that many children may opt for a biscuit rather than an apple if given the choice, […]

Water Allowances for Children of Parents Sharing Parenting

One Family made a submission to the Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) and Irish Water regarding affordability and allowances, and highlighted the issue of allocating children’s water allowances when people are sharing parenting equally. The proposed children(s) allowance(s) and charging suggests that these allowance(s) are allocated to the recipient of the children’s allowance which is provided for […]

Nice Bucket Challenge

One Family Nice Bucket Challenge

Our CEO Karen was nominated by her son Cuán to do the Nice Bucket Challenge for One Family! How does it work?  Record your Nice Bucket Challenge, share it and nominate your friends or family members. They have 24 hours to record a video of them being drenched in NICE water – at room temperature […]

Smiling boy

10 Ways to Support Your Child’s Sex Education

In this week’s ’10 Ways to’, our series of weekly parenting tips, we look at how to support your child’s sex education. Your role as a parent in your child’s education about relationships and sex is very important. Talking with your child about sex can be a fearful task for many parents but sex education […]

Sinéad Gibney, One Family Board Member

One Family Board Member Sinéad Gibney Appointed as Director of IHREC

The board, staff and members of One Family congratulate our board member Sinéad Gibney on the announcement today of her appointment as Director of The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC). The commission was formed following the merger of the Equality Authority and the Irish Human Rights Commission to promote human rights and equal status in society. Sinéad […]