Entries by Language

Policy | Update from the Policy Desk

Valerie Maher, our Policy & Programmes Manager, writes about some of our recent policy work. The One Family Policy Service has been focussed on pre Budget preparations over the past few weeks in advance of the Budget 2018 announcement tomorrow, Tuesday October 10th. We are anticipating the release of a report by Indecon Economic Consultants […]

Press Release | Government Must Use the Evidence: New Report Confirms Increased One-Parent Family Poverty

Press Release Government Must Use the Evidence – Another New Report Confirms Increased Poverty in One-Parent Families   (Dublin, Monday 2 October 2017) One Family – Ireland’s organisation for people parenting alone and sharing parenting – responds to the news that a report by Indecon Economic Consultants commissioned by Government to examine the impact of austerity […]

Training | Call for Working Lone Parents

Are you a lone parent who has recently returned to work? Could you help One Family to pilot our new online programme on work-life balance for working lone parents this October and November? We are looking for: • Lone parents who are currently in work; • With reliable internet access via a computer or smart […]

Training | Autumn Courses for Parents and Professionals Booking Now

One Family offers an exciting suite of training programmes for people who are parenting alone, or sharing parenting after separation, including a number of free courses; and also programmes for professionals who work with parents, children and families. Whether returning to education or employment, building on skills to strengthen family life, or continuing professional development, Autumn […]

Vacancy | Parenting and Welfare to Work Facilitator

One Family is hiring. We are seeking experienced facilitators to deliver our programmes for parents. One Family has developed manualised programmes which will be delivered by facilitators in both our Parenting and Programmes services. Our programmes aim to support lone parents to meet the challenges of parenting alone and progress into sustainable training, education and […]

Policy | Update from the Policy Desk

Valerie Maher, our Policy & Programmes Manager, writes about some of our recent policy work. The Policy Service has been very busy over the summer. We attended the Social Inclusion Forum in June with a member of our volunteer Policy Panel who is parenting alone. The Forum encourages discussion on social inclusion issues between officials from […]

Policy | New Initiatives for Lone Parent Access to Higher Level Education

The Department of Education has today issued a review completed by academics at Maynooth University which sought to identify the barriers lone parents face in accessing higher level education. The review also examined the trends in participation and completion rates by lone parents in higher education and the range of measures that are currently available […]

Media | One Family Podcast: Farewell to Cherish House

Last month, after over forty years in Cherish House on Lower Pembroke Street, One Family moved to new premises in Smithfield, Dublin 7 to more fully meet the need of parents and children as demand for our supports and services continues to grow. While looking forward to the move and to welcoming clients to the […]