Practitioner Workshop on the Transformative Power of Community Education for Lone Parents

Following the launch of the latest Centre for Effective Services (CES) research report “The Power of Community Education: Supporting lone parents to fulfil their potential in education, employment, and society”, CES is hosting an Online Workshop for Practitioners on Thursday, 9th May at 10:30am.

The 90-minute event is designed for people working with and/or with an interest in community education as a support for lone parents or other vulnerable groups. This includes community education providers, practitioners/tutors, academics and other interested people.

The aim of the workshop is to share the research findings to inform practice and policy, particularly as it relates to community education as a powerful means to support lone parents to progress their education and achieve positive outcomes for themselves and their children.

The research was funded by Beachaire Fund/Community Foundation Ireland and drew on the experience of 8 community organisations delivering programmes to lone parents across Ireland, involving over 135 lone parent learner participants and over 50 educators and managers from the 8 organisations, including One Family.

Key learnings from the research included that lone parents who complete community education are highly likely to progress to further and higher education, training and paid employment and the importance of wraparound supports was also highlighted. One of the final recommendations was to utilise the power of community education to respond to employment needs and skills gaps by scaling up employability programmes targeted at lone parents, building on the learning from One Family’s New Futures Employability Programme. 

The research assets including an Executive Summary, Thematic Report and 8 Case Studies will be circulated to all participants and can also be viewed at the links below.

Register for this event via the button below: