One Family Expresses Condolences to the Family, Friends and Colleagues of Seamus Brennan T.D.

One Family sends its sincere condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Seamus Brennan T.D. who the organisation worked closely with during his time as Minister for Social and Family Affairs. While in that role, Seamus Brennan T.D. was involved in progressing positive initiatives aimed at improving the lives of the most vulnerable people […]

One Family’s Submission to the Joint Committee on the Constitutional Amendment on Children May 2008

Introduction In general One Family supports the submissions to the joint committee made by the Ombudsman for Children and by the Children’s Rights Alliance. One Family is therefore limiting its response to Clause 1 (Article 42(A).1), Clause 2 (Article 42(A) 2.1) and Clause 4 (Article 42(A).4. Submission-PDF file -May-2008

Constitutional Change Needed to Respect all Families

Maeve Malone, 11, and May McCann, 7, celebrate International Day of the Family on 15 May 2008. Marking the day, One Family called for change to the definition of the family under the Irish Constitution to provide equal respect and value for all families in Ireland. On International Day of the Family One Family calls […]


Lone Parents & Work: One Family report highlights need to tackle personal barriers faced by lone Parents Martin Cullen T.D., Minister for Social and Family Affairs, launched One Family’s Strategy 2007-2009 and New Future Project Report on 8 April 2008. One Family’s New Futures Project is an integrated model of support for lone parents, dealing […]

Budget Will do Nothing for Poverty in One-Parent Families

One Family sought real increases in social welfare to reduce poverty and to provide better services and innovative programmes for one-parent families in today’s Budget (5 December). Recent CSO figures revealed that the consistent poverty rate for one-parent families increased from 27% in 2005 to 32.5% in 2006 making one-parent families 4.5 times more likely […]

Childcare Subvention Scheme: One Family Welcomes Minister’s Response to Call for Review

  One Family, the leading provider of specialist support services for one-parent families in Ireland welcomes Minister for Children Brendan Smith’s announcement of changes to the proposed Childcare Subvention Scheme today (7 November). Candy Murphy, Policy Manager, One Family said: “We are very pleased with the Minister’s response to One Family’s concerns that the proposed […]

Childcare Subvention Scheme: Lone Parents Trapped Again

One Family, the leading provider of specialist support services for one-parent families in Ireland today (6 November) added its voice to the concerns being expressed from many quarters on the Government’s plan to introduce the Childcare Subvention Scheme. Candy Murphy, Policy Manager, One Family said: “The Childcare Subvention Scheme contradicts Government’s proposed changes to the […]


One Family, the leading provider of specialist support services for one-parent families in Ireland, today (18 October 2007) launched its Pre-Budget Submission 2008. At a time when purse strings are tightening, One Family called on the Government to remember its commitments in the Programme for Government to provide supports for families, for parents and for […]

Lone Parents – Is Employment an Option?

One Family, the leading provider of specialist support services for one-parent families in Ireland, launched a major survey of lone parents and employment on 2 October 2007 . The survey, funded by Combat Poverty Agency and supported by the Department of Social and Family Affairs, is the largest survey of One-Parent Family Payment recipients to […]

Quality of Family Relationships Wins in G Case

One Family, the national organisation representing one-parent families in Ireland, welcomed the High Court’s judgement on the Mr G case on 11 September 2007. Karen Kiernan, Director, One Family said: “While the judgement is complex and needs to be considered carefully, the tone of it is that the quality of the relationship between father and child […]

Services for Dads: More Reforms Needed to Reflect Growing Family Diversity

Martin Cullen T.D., Minister for Social and Family Affairs launched the One Family Annual Report 2006 on 5 September 2007. The publication of One Family’s report is timely in relation to the upcoming judgement by the High Court on the Mr. G case. Speaking at the launch, Karen Kiernan, Director One Family said: “The G […]

One Family Response to Sunday Tribune Article

The Sunday Tribine published One Family’s letter responding to the comments of Mr. Brian Mooney in an article that appeared on 26 August 2007. The following letter was published on 2 September Lone parents need support, not criticism From Karen Kiernan ON BEHALF of our thousands of clients and members, One Family would like to express […]

Respect for Family Diversity Needed- Irish Examiner article

One Family Director, Karen Kiernan, appeared in the Money & Jobs section of The Irish Examiner on 10 August 2007. Karen spoke about One Family’s work and the need for Government and policy makers to recognise and support family diversity in Ireland. Irish Examiner Karen Interview 10 August 2007 pdf

Role of Fathers in Children’s Lives- RTE Prime Time Interview

One Family Director, Karen Kiernan, appeared on RTE Prime Time on 12 June 2007. Karen spoke about lone parents and father’s roles in their children’s lives. Click here to view the segment.

One Family Honours Mary Robinson at Anniversary Lunch

One Family honours Mary Robinson at 35th Anniversary Celebratory Lunch Our 35th Anniversary celebratory luncheon took place on 22 May 2007 in St. Patrick’s Hall, Dublin Castle. Founders Maura O’Dea Richards and Annette Evans Hunter were delighted to meet up with former board member Evelyn Forde and former administrator, Nuala Feric. The highlight of the […]

Mary Robinson Lunch

Our 35th Anniversary celebratory luncheon took place on 22 May 2007 in St. Patrick’s Hall, Dublin Castle. Founders Maura O’Dea Richards and Annette Evans Hunter were delighted to meet up with former board member Evelyn Forde and former administrator, Nuala Feric. The highlight of the afternoon was an inspirational speech delivered by our  former President. […]

This Election – Fair Deal for One-Parent Families

There’s More to this Election than Stamp Duty – We Still Need a Fair Deal for One-Parent Families One Family today presented its Election Manifesto to Minister for Children, Brian Lenihan, TD. At the launch Karen Kiernan, Director of One Family, called on all parties to commit to the development of Child & Family Contact […]

Children’s Voices Must be Heard in Divorce Process

Leading one-parent family organisation One Family today held a seminar on children’s rights in the divorce process. On the tenth anniversary of divorce in Ireland, the seminar is a real opportunity to increase our understanding of children’s experience of divorce and how their needs can best be reflected in the legal process of divorce. ‘Families […]

Budget Fails to Address Child Poverty in Poorest Families

National one-parent family organisation One Family today were disappointed with the dismal increase in the top-up payment targeted at those with children dependent on social welfare – the first increase to the Child Dependent Allowance (CDA) for 12 years. Commenting on the increase Candy Murphy, One Family’s Policy Manager said ‘while we welcome a move […]

Budget must not forget poorest families

National one-parent family organisation One Family today called on the Government not to forget that in a time when the coffers are full, many one-parent families continue to struggle in a vicious cycle of poverty. Commenting on tomorrow’s Budget, One Family’s Policy & Campaigns Manager, Candy Murphy stated that ‘poverty is no longer an issue […]