To celebrate our 40th, we’ve been collected experiences from some of our clients over the years. These stories form a precious and informative archive – thanks so much to Christine, Kiva and Melissa for adding to those stories.

More clients share their One Family stories, read them here…

 Thanks to more clients – Louise, Tracey and Maria – for sharing their experiences of One Family and of parenting alone or sharing parenting – we will be posting more of these stories over the coming weeks, all to mark our 40th anniversary.  

Listen to memories from One Family Founders

Listen to the memories of One Family Founders Some of the One Family/ Cherish founder members have been kind enough to take the time to share their memories from the early days with us – listen to Evelyn Forde, Annette Hunter-Evans, Margaret Murphy and Nuala Feric.  We will shortly be sharing the full interviews with […]

Read about more Family Stories

Thanks to Cathryn and Cecelia for sharing their stories of parenting alone and their experience of One Family. See more client stories here 

One Family founder Maura O’Dea on Today FM

Here is One Family founder Maura O’Dea and Director Karen Kiernan on Today FM’s The Last Word last Thursday – its in part 3 and starts at 10 mins 40 seconds in Listen here  

Request for 2014 to be European Year for Reconciling Work and Family Life

A declariation requesting that 2014 be the European Year for Reconciling Work and Family Life has been presented in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, initiated by Marian Harken ALDE Ireland, amongst others. COFACE, together with the European Alliance for the EY2014, is trying to bring attention to the fact that creating and promoting policies that […]

One Family supports Yes Vote Call with Children’s Rights Alliance

Parents’ Organisations Slam Misinformation on Children’s Referendum Mainstream parents’ organisations slam misinformation relating to the Children’s Referendum in Dublin today.  Urging all parents to vote YES in the Children’s Referendum on Saturday 10 November 2012, six parents’ organisations have come together to set the record straight. Chaired by Áine Lynch of the National Parents Council  […]

Listen to One Family founder Mary Kerrigan on Kildare FM

Kildare FM did a great interview with Mary  about what it was like to be a single parent 40 years ago on Go to Podcasting on the left hand side, then click on “Kildare Today” Podcasts, and you will see it there.

More parents share their stories with One Family

Thanks to Annette and Linda for sharing their stories of parenting alone and their experience of One Family. See more client stories here  

Irish Independent features One Family founder’s story

The Irish Independent did a great interview with Maura Richards O’Dea, one of the orignal founders of One Family,

Irish Times commends One Family founders

Fintan O’Toole has written a very moving tribute to the founders of One Family in today’s Irish Times – commending their bravery in refusing to be ashamed of being single mothers – and challenging the government to act with similar courage and lack of shame by refusing to accept bailing out Anglo and Nationwide

One Family 40th makes RTE TV news

Thanks to everyone who joined us in the Pillar Room at the Rotunda last night for a wonderful celebration of the work One Family/ Cherish has done over 40 years – and looking forward to what has yet to be achieved for better lives for one-parent families – see some of our impressive founders here […]

More clients’ stories for our 40th

  Thanks to Katherine and Joanna for sharing their One Family experiences with us. We will be posting more stories from clients over the next week, to mark our 40th anniversary year.

One Family founder Maura O’Dea’s memoir now on Amazon

To mark the 40th Anniversary of Cherish/ One Family we’re delighted that Poolbeg Press has re-issued ‘Single Issue’ – the memoir of Cherish’s key founder Maura O’Dea Richards, as an eBook. See here It only costs €5 and Maura is donating any profits to the charity. It is a great read – all about […]

Read our Clients’ Stories

Read our Clients’ Stories of how One Family helped them To mark the occasion of our 40th, some of our clients have kindly shared their stories with us and we will be publishing them on the website all this week. See the first of them here, thank you to Marian Tannam and Rebecca for these […]

Read about One Family founders in Irish Examiner 16th October

This interesting piece in today’s Irish Examiner explains how some brave single parents set up One Family, forty years ago, when things were very different in Irish society.  

Listen to One Family on Pat Kenny 15th October

To mark our 40th Anniversary, Maura O’Dea Richards, the founder of Cherish, and Karen Kiernan, the current Director of One Family, were on Pat Kenny this morning – they are on at 34 minutes into the show. Press the green play button

One Family Starts to Mark 40th Anniversary

We used to be called Cherish and we’d love everyone who has been involved over the years – clients, staff, supporters – to join us for a big celebratory event in Dublin’s Pillar Room on the Thursday 18 Oct. We will be recalling the past, with some of the founder members of Cherish, and looking to […]

No More Punishment for one-parent families

No More Punishment for one-parent families – Smart Steps to equity in Budget 2013 Media Release, Thursday 11 October 2012 Launching their solution-focused  plan to ensure income security for lone parents, Karen Kiernan, Director of One Family, Ireland’s leading organisation for one-parent families says ‘There can be absolutely no more cuts or changes aimed at […]

New website for Children’s Referendum

  A new website has been set up with information on the upcoming Children’s Referendum. It proposes to place a dedicated Article in the Constitution, which has children as its central focus.