askonefamily | The Helpline for People Parenting Alone, Sharing Parenting or Separating

askonefamily is a helpline offering information and listening support for men and women who may be parenting alone, sharing parenting or separating. The helpline is also available to extended family, friends or professionals. People call askonefamily for all kinds of reasons. They may have a question about their financial situation, maybe they are finding it difficult […]

Parenting | Reading as a tool to manage challenging behaviour

As yesterday was World Book Day we thought it would be an ideal time to discuss reading and how reading can be used as a tool to manage challenging behaviours. Reading can create an opportunity for calm, quiet reflection and relaxation. It can also open up an opportunity for discussions between parent and child and […]

Parenting | Why do parents and children fight?

How many parents argue with their child on a daily basis? If you find yourself arguing with your children then you need to press pause and re-examine what is going wrong. Parents can get into power struggles with very young children. It can start from toddler time when parents are unable or unclear about how […]

Policy | Election Promises

One Family has been campaigning for equal rights for lone parents and those who are sharing parenting in the lead up to the election. The One Family election manifesto has six key points that need to be addressed by the next government to ensure these concerns are heard and dealt with. Work to end child poverty in Ireland. […]

Policy | Email Your Candidates to End Child Poverty and Review Reform of OPF Payment

With just one week to go until General Election 2016, we urge everyone to email their local candidates to ensure that one-parent families are on their agenda. We are calling for six key commitments which you can read about below. It’s easy to email all of your local candidates in just one minute; click here. You can […]

Parenting | How demanding are we of our children?

Many parents would say that being a parent is very demanding. But have you ever monitored how many demands you make of your child every day, in an hour or even in one minute? Research shows that parents can give 20-40 commands in a 30 minute period. What must this be like for a child? How […]

Parenting | How to make Valentine’s Day special in your home

Many lone parents hate Valentine’s Day as they feel it is a big reminder that they are on their own and that for some reason this is not considered the best option in society. However, I think it can be a really lovely occasion that reminds us to say ‘I love you’ to our nearest and […]

Parenting | Children’s birthday parties

In the past twenty years children’s parties have become very expensive placing parents under a lot of pressure. Some children have invitations every single week, with every child in the class invited to each party. If they are thirty children in the class this can add up as you will also have cousins, friends outside […]

Parenting | How to talk to teenagers about sex

As parents it can be awkward and difficult to talk to our children about our sexual expression. If we could broaden our own outlook on how we view our own sexuality it will help us to talk to our children/teenagers about what it means to be a sexual human being.  Our sexuality is an essential/natural […]

Parenting | Reading with your child

With the chilly weather we find ourselves indoors more often and may have more time to spend reading with our children. Reading together is a great bonding exercise and important to make part of your daily life if possible. As part of our ’10 Ways to …’ series which offers tips for parents on a […]

askonefamily | Child and Family Relationships Act 2015

On Monday the 18th January 2016, some parts of the Child and Family Relationships Act 2015 were commenced. These changes in legislation may have a direct impact on those parenting alone, sharing parenting and parenting after separation so the following information on Guardianship, Custody, Access and Maintenance may be relevant to you: Guardianship For an […]

Parenting | How to help a child who is being bullied

As children settle back into school after the Christmas break we must think about the children who are suffering from bullying at school. It is agonising for a parent or guardian to suspect or learn that their child is being bullied. The priority if this happens is to understand and support your child, while taking […]

Parenting | Explore Family Routines

A new year has arrived and with it, an ideal opportunity to explore family routines. Following consistency in routines supports parenting and increases your child’s sense of well-being and security. It is as a good time as ever to continue to consider your family’s routines and any changes you would like to make. The following are our […]

Parenting | Parent Self-Care

This week’s ’10 Ways’ offers tips about you looking after you. Especially at Christmas time, parents can become frazzled with all the organising and preparations. It is important to try and carve out even a small bit of time for yourself to recharge the batteries and ensure you enjoy Christmas time too. Read on for […]

Press Release | One Family calls on parties to prioritise family equality in the General Election 2016

Press Release One Family releases General Election 2016 Manifesto (Dublin, Tuesday 15th December 2015) One Family – Ireland’s organisation for people parenting alone and sharing parenting – releases its General Election 2016 Manifesto calling on all parties and candidates running in the Election to commit to tackling family inequality in Ireland today. The six point […]

Parenting | Shared Parenting at Christmas

Press Release | TASC Report Shows That One-Parent Families Have Least Wealth in Ireland

Press Release One-Parent Families have by far the least wealth in Ireland TASC report 2015 ‘The Distribution of Wealth in Ireland Today’ (Dublin, Wednesday 9th December 2015) One Family – Ireland’s organisation for people parenting alone and sharing parenting – reacts to the report released today by TASC on the distribution of wealth in Ireland. Karen […]

Parenting | Ten Thoughts for Parents of Children in Care

For a variety of reasons, challenges and difficulties, there are times for some parents when parenting can be a stressful experience which may have led to fractured parent child relationship, and we hear from, meet and support parents whose children are in care. When children go into care, there is usually supported contact of one kind […]

Parenting | Ten Ways to Use ‘Consequences’ in Parenting

We all experience the consequences of our behaviours everyday in both positive and negative ways. When parenting, consequences are used to support children to learn to make the right choices, the choices that will lead them to more positive responses. At times parents can forget this and start to use consequences in their parenting as […]


Press Release | One-Parent Families Experience Highest Deprivation and Poverty in Ireland – Shameful!

Press Release One-Parent Families Experience Highest Deprivation and Poverty in Ireland – Shameful! SILC Report 2014 Launched Today (Dublin, Thursday 26th November 2015) One Family – Ireland’s organisation for people parenting alone and sharing parenting – reacts to the Survey on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) 2014 results published today, which clearly show that people parenting […]