Listen to One Family on Pat Kenny 15th October

To mark our 40th Anniversary, Maura O’Dea Richards, the founder of Cherish, and Karen Kiernan, the current Director of One Family, were on Pat Kenny this morning – they are on at 34 minutes into the show. Press the green play button

Join us to celebrate our 40th!

One Family is 40! We used to be called Cherish and we’d love everyone who has been involved over the years – clients, staff, supporters – to join us  for a big celebratory event in Dublin’s Pillar Room on the evening of Thurs 18 Oct. We will be recalling the past, with some of the […]

One Family’s Sherie de Burgh to give masterclass on challenges around unplanned pregnancy

One Family Counselling Coordinator Sherie de Burgh will be delivering one of a series of masterclasses aimed at giving professionals in-depth knowledge and skills to resource them in managing the challenges that present around unplanned pregnancy. The masterclasses are being organised by the Deptartment of Adult and Community Education, NYU, Maynooth. Applications will be taken […]

Update on our campaign to reverse budget cuts

Here is any update on what we’ve been doing – we have lobbied every TD and senator by phone or email and have managed to get meetings with Labour and FG politicians today to try and get changes to the proposed cuts. Senators are also raising questions for us today. We have also emailed thousands […]

Volunteer Parent Mentors required

One Family would like to expand its Parent Mentoring Service …