Entries by Comms

Parenting Tips | Enjoying quality time

Many parents look forward to days-off so we can do activities with our children and perhaps take them to places such as the cinema, bowling, play centres etc. Without realising, we train our children into wanting to go places. They think the weekends are about being active and going out and about all the time. […]

News | Chair of our Board of Members Retires Today

The Chair of One Family’s Board, John O’Connell, retires today by rotation following eight years of service. John joined our Board in 2008 and has been Chair since 2012. As a voluntary Board member, as are all of One Family’s Board members, John has been extraordinarily generous, contributing hundreds of hours of unpaid time and effort to the […]

Parenting Tips | Managing behaviour without idle threats

It’s just over 40 days to Christmas. Chances are Santa has already been mentioned in your house. But is this because you are using Santa as a tool, warning children that they must behave now or they won’t get any presents on Christmas morning? Threatening children that Santa won’t come is possibly the greatest idle […]

Parenting | Talking to young children about death

We want to protect our children from hurt and trauma in life but death is as much a part of life as living is. In order to prepare children for life we must prepare and support them to understand and feel comfortable with death. This week, we offer ’10 ways’ to approach the subject of […]

News | Thank you, Sherie

Today the wonderful Sherie de Burgh, our Director of Counselling Services, retires. Sherie joined One Family in 2004 having developed the IFPA’s crisis pregnancy counselling service previously. During Sherie’s long career, she has worked tirelessly to support thousands of women, couples and parents through the difficult landscape of unplanned pregnancies, relationship separation, parenting  and family […]