Entries by Comms

One Family calls for tailoring of new afterschool childcare scheme

 Press Release One Family calls for tailoring of new afterschool childcare scheme (Dublin, 24 April 2013)  One Family, Ireland’s leading organisation for one-parent families, has welcomed the announcement today by Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton T.D., and Frances Fitzgerald T.D., Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, that the first pilot phase of the new […]

Engaging Women: Taking the Next Step into Politics

One Family and Women for Election will co-host the free seminar Engaging Women: Taking the Next Step into Politics on Tuesday 21 May 2013 in European Parliament Offices, 43 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2. Registration with tea/coffee opens at 9.30am and the event  runs from 10.00am-1.00pm, with a light lunch to follow. The keynote speaker is Jessica N. Grounds. Jessica, […]

One Family and EBS announce Family Day celebrations and national art competition

Press Release ONE FAMILY AND EBS ANNOUNCE FAMILY DAY CELEBRATIONS AND NATIONAL ART COMPETITION   Family Day | Sunday, 19 May 2013 | www.familyday.ie  Celebrate families, celebrate your family. (Dublin, 18 April 2013) One Family, Ireland’s leading organisation for one-parent families and EBS celebrate the diversity of families in Ireland with Family Day 2013. This […]

UNICEF publishes Report Card 11

One Family is attending Taking Action to Fight Child Poverty and to Promote Child Well-being, a two-day conference in Dublin organised by Eurochild, European Anti-Poverty Network Ireland, UNICEF and Children’s Rights Alliance as part of Ireland’s Presidency of the EU. Yesterday UNICEF published Report Card 11 naming Ireland as the 10th best developed country in […]

The time for One Family’s ‘Ten Solutions Smarter Futures’ is now

Almost half of the State’s children are living in households in receipt of social welfare, the Oireachtas Social Protection Committee was told yesterday. Ita Mangan, Chairwoman of the group that recommended a two-tier child benefit system, warned that this is “worrying” and also told the committee that one in five children in the Republic of […]

One Family reacts to new UK childcare provisions

Budget 2013 has been delivered in the UK today. Responding to the UK government’s announcement that up to 85% of childcare costs for some low-income families eligible for Universal Credit (UC) will be covered from April 2016, Stuart Duffin, One Family’s Director of Policy & Programmes, said: “UK government is recognising the high costs of […]

Storytelling with Children’s Authors, a Giraffe and Poppy

One Family is delighted to welcome two authors, Sandra Garrish and Karl O’Neill, to Cherish House for a storytelling event on Thursday and we invite you to join us. Canadian writer Sandra will read ‘Above The Trees’, a story she wrote for her young daughter. It aims to open a dialogue to explain the absence […]

State of the Nation’s Children Report published today

The State of the Nation’s Children Report: Ireland 2012 has been published this afternoon; the fourth report in a biannual series. Frances Fitzgerald TD, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, launched the report which shows that the number of children in Ireland has increased by 13.4% since 2002. The Minister said it pointed to the […]

Report on Child and Family Income Support published

The Report on Child and Family Income Support by the Advisory Group on Tax and Social Welfare was published yesterday and has caused considerable concern for parents across Ireland. The report, however, is an advisory report submitted to Government for consideration; Government has not agreed it. No decisions have been made on this and no […]

Listen to a One Family radio documentary

On February 13th this year, Dublin City FM broadcast a 30-minute radio documentary about One Family. It features interviews with One Family staff members and parents who have availed of our services, offering an insight into what we do and why we do it. Produced by Pearlman Media, the documentary was part of Faith, Hope & […]