Entries by Comms

Talking to Your Child About Your Family Situation

2015 is shaping up to be a big year for children’s rights, especially with regard to Family Law. Children are now being placed at the centre of legislation that directly affects them and their parents. Talking about your family situation can be difficult especially if you, as a parent, are struggling to cope yourself. Here […]

Minister Supports One Family on Need for Court Welfare System

Today the Children and Family Relationships Bill moved to another stage in the Dáil as Minister Frances Fitzgerald brought it to the Select Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality for discussion and amendment. Having put much time and effort into representing the needs of diverse families in this legislation, One Family attended the Committee […]

Cuts to Carer’s Allowance for Lone Parents Reversed by Tánaiste – But what about working lone parents?

Press Release  Cuts to Carer’s Allowance for Lone Parents Reversed by Tánaiste – But what about working lone parents? (Dublin, Wednesday 4 March 2015) One Family – Ireland’s organisation for people parenting alone, sharing parenting and separating – welcomes Tánaiste Joan Burton’s announcement yesterday regarding people in receipt of the One-Parent Family Payment (OFP) who […]

10 ways to understanding Children’s Emotions and The Learning Power of Play

Play is an outlet for children to make sense of what they see, think and feel. It allows them the opportunity to express themselves, which is a vital part of their physical, intellectual and emotional development. Children can often struggle with their feelings and this frustration can lead to difficult behaviour, such as tantrums. It is […]

The Special Interest Group – Supporting Parents in their Parenting Role

One Family is a member of The Special Interest Group – Supporting Parents in their Parenting Role. Established in December 2010 by the Centre for Effective Services, The Special Interest Group on Supporting Parents in their Parenting Role is an all-island group with 27 members including statutory and voluntary agencies involved in the delivery of parenting supports, practitioners, researchers and […]

10 ways to Handle Difficult Behaviour – Part Two

Consistency is vital to teaching your children that all behaviour breeds a reaction and whether that reaction is good or bad depends on how they choose to act. Enabling them to make good choices by being consistent in your reaction is a powerful tool in handling difficult behaviour. Consistency is one of the most important […]

One-Parent Family Payment Presentation to Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection

Press Release Get It Right for One-Parent Families One Family Presents to Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Social Protection on Impacts of One-Parent Family Payment Changes – Policy Changes will lead to Increased Poverty (Dublin, Wednesday 18 February 2015) One Family – Ireland’s organisation for people parenting alone, sharing parenting and separating – today […]

One Family Welcomes Children & Family Relationships Bill

Press Release A Good News Day for Children  One Family Welcomes Children & Family Relationships Bill (Dublin, Tuesday 17 February 2015) One Family – Ireland’s organisation for people parenting alone, sharing parenting and step-parenting today welcomes the passing at Cabinet of the Children & Family Relationships Bill 2015. As an organisation with 42 years of expertise in […]

10 Ways to Handle Difficult Behaviour – Part One

Difficult behaviour can be tough to deal with, especially when you are already under stress. Children act out for many reasons and tantrums are often the result of frustration and misunderstanding. Here are a few tips on how to handle this difficult behaviour and to teach your children the power of positive choices. Positive parenting […]