Entries by Comms

Press Release | Government Policies are Failing Poor Families: 30% askonefamily helpline calls increase

Press Release Government Policies Are Failing Poor Families askonefamily helpline calls up by another 30% One Family Annual Review 2014 www.onefamily.ie (Dublin, Monday 17 August 2015) One Family, Ireland’s organisation for people parenting alone, sharing parenting and separating, launches its Annual Review 2014 as its askonefamily helpline continues to respond to an unprecedented rise in […]

Parenting | Children’s Books About Families

Finding the right books to support your child during a time of family transition, or to help answer questions that can be challenging, can be difficult.  One Family has compiled a list of children’s books which may help your child to better understand their unique family and all kinds of families. This extensive list includes […]

Policy | OFP Reform – The Real Life Impacts

In recent months, much has been written and said about both the problems and benefits for one-parent families on social welfare that have been put through the One-Parent Family Payment (OFP) reform process. At the heart of this are the cuts in income faced by many parents who are working part-time and in receipt of social welfare. […]

Press Release | End Child Poverty, Get it Right for One-Parent Families in Budget 2016

Press Release End Child Poverty, Get it Right for One-Parent Families in Budget 2016 One Family will state at the Pre-Budget Forum tomorrow that Government has sacrificed lone parents and their children for long enough. (Dublin, Thursday 2 July 2015) One Family, Ireland’s organisation for people parenting alone, sharing parenting and separating, will be participating […]

Press Release | Dublin’s Wolfe Tone Square Hosts Free Festival Celebrating Family Diversity

Press Release Dublin’s Wolfe Tone Square Hosts Free Festival Celebrating Family Diversity Celebrate your family, celebrate all families. Family Day Festival | Sunday 17 May 2015 | www.familyday.ie (Dublin, Friday 8 May 2015) One Family – Ireland’s organisation for people parenting alone, sharing parenting and separating – celebrates the wonderful diversity of families in Ireland […]

Press Release | Stop Catastrophic Cut of One-Parent Family Payment Now

Press Release Stop Catastrophic Cut of One-Parent Family Payment Now Child and family poverty for one-parent families is increasing under so-called reforms (Dublin, Monday 4 May 2015) One Family – Ireland’s organisation for people parenting alone, sharing parenting and separating – demands again that Government stop the current reform of the One-Parent Family Payment which is […]

Press Release | Marriage Equality Referendum ‘No’ Campaigners: Stop Using and Abusing Lone Parents

Press Release Marriage Equality Referendum ‘No’ Campaigners: Stop Using and Abusing Lone Parents (Dublin, Friday 17 April 2015) One Family – Ireland’s organisation for people parenting alone, sharing parenting and separating – is dismayed by the untruths being promoted by many main ‘No’ campaigners in the lead up to the Marriage Equality Referendum on 22 […]