One Family Welcomes Children & Family Relationships Bill

Press Release A Good News Day for Children  One Family Welcomes Children & Family Relationships Bill (Dublin, Tuesday 17 February 2015) One Family – Ireland’s organisation for people parenting alone, sharing parenting and step-parenting today welcomes the passing at Cabinet of the Children & Family Relationships Bill 2015. As an organisation with 42 years of expertise in […]

10 Ways to Handle Difficult Behaviour – Part One

Difficult behaviour can be tough to deal with, especially when you are already under stress. Children act out for many reasons and tantrums are often the result of frustration and misunderstanding. Here are a few tips on how to handle this difficult behaviour and to teach your children the power of positive choices. Positive parenting […]

Behavioural Economics and Social Protection Policy

One Family Director of Policy & Programmes, Stuart Duffin, writes on the topic of behavioural economics and social protection policy. Behavioural economics improves the realism of the psychological assumptions underlying economic theory, attempting to reunify psychology and economics in the process, and should lead to better predictions about economic behaviour and better policy prescriptions. Because […]

10 ways to Active Listening and Assertive Parenting

Active Listening is an important part of being an assertive parent. It allows children to express their emotions and shows your child that you are taking on board  what they are saying and making an effort to understand how they are feeling about what is going on in their lives. A child who is allowed […]