
Parenting | 10 Ways to Support an Angry Child

Children who are feeling very angry on a regular basis usually have some underlying problem that they need help in expressing.  Having to punish a child for the same repeated behaviour is telling you that there is something else going on, and it is time now to make a new plan to deal with it. […]

Parenting | 10 Ways to Cope When You Feel Like Giving Up

Many parents have really bad days and weeks with children and at times we can question ourselves. We can wonder if we are the right person to parent this child. Would someone else do a better job? Would our child be better off with someone else?  Sometimes parents even think about putting children into care as they […]

Unplanned Pregnancy? Talking to a Counsellor can help.

One Family Counselling Coordinator Sherie de Burgh talks about unplanned pregnancy and One Family’s crisis pregnancy services. Check out these links on ‘Unplanned Pregnancy?  Talking to a Counsellor can help’. Unplanned Pregnancy Unplanned Pregnancy: Support For Men