
Parenting | Should Children Hit Back?

Many parents still believe that telling a child to hit back is the right choice on the playground. In an Ireland where we have recently criminalised the hitting of children by adults, do we really want to tell children that hitting each other is the way to deal with playground problems? Children need to learn […]

Parenting | Ten Ways to Help Your Child Be Active

Research suggests that children should have 60 minutes of physical exercise per day. We all know the benefits of exercise for ourselves as adults. We know when we get out walking or doing any form or exercise we always feel better afterwards, and it usually supports a healthier environment all round, combined with diet, attitude […]

Parenting | Communicating with Your Child about Family ‘Secrets’

There can be a lot of ‘secrets’ in some families, such as health or relationship issues, that family members simply do not speak about or refer to. At times children don’t know the content of the secret, they just know it is something they don’t talk or ask about. Do you remember what it was like […]

Parenting | Reading as a tool to manage challenging behaviour

As yesterday was World Book Day we thought it would be an ideal time to discuss reading and how reading can be used as a tool to manage challenging behaviours. Reading can create an opportunity for calm, quiet reflection and relaxation. It can also open up an opportunity for discussions between parent and child and […]

Parenting | Why do parents and children fight?

How many parents argue with their child on a daily basis? If you find yourself arguing with your children then you need to press pause and re-examine what is going wrong. Parents can get into power struggles with very young children. It can start from toddler time when parents are unable or unclear about how […]