
Parenting | Explore Family Routines

A new year has arrived and with it, an ideal opportunity to explore family routines. Following consistency in routines supports parenting and increases your child’s sense of well-being and security. It is as a good time as ever to continue to consider your family’s routines and any changes you would like to make. The following are our […]

Parenting | Parent Self-Care

This week’s ’10 Ways’ offers tips about you looking after you. Especially at Christmas time, parents can become frazzled with all the organising and preparations. It is important to try and carve out even a small bit of time for yourself to recharge the batteries and ensure you enjoy Christmas time too. Read on for […]

Parenting | Ten Thoughts for Parents of Children in Care

For a variety of reasons, challenges and difficulties, there are times for some parents when parenting can be a stressful experience which may have led to fractured parent child relationship, and we hear from, meet and support parents whose children are in care. When children go into care, there is usually supported contact of one kind […]

Parenting | Ten Ways to Use ‘Consequences’ in Parenting

We all experience the consequences of our behaviours everyday in both positive and negative ways. When parenting, consequences are used to support children to learn to make the right choices, the choices that will lead them to more positive responses. At times parents can forget this and start to use consequences in their parenting as […]

Parenting | Ten Ways to Praise Your Child More

Praise is a normal part of life for many but we must not take it for granted. Some children and adults are very rarely praised. Praise has a huge impact on behaviour. The more positive praise we get the more likely we are to have high self-esteem resulting in positive behaviours. Here are some pointers […]