
Policy | Children in Direct Provision Share Equal Rights with All Children in Ireland

One Family welcomes the announcement by The Ombudsman for Children, Dr Niall Muldoon, that children in Direct Provision will now share equal rights with other children in Ireland, with equal access to the Ombudsman for Children’s Office which will enable the Office to make a constructive contribution to the overall welfare of children living in […]

Training | New Professional Development Workshops in Sligo and Limerick

One Family is pleased to announce two new half-day workshops for professionals who work with families, parents and/or children: 1. Supporting Families in Conflict-Reducing Communication. This workshop explores how to build skills to support parents in practicing clear and direct communication in relation to common family dilemmas; using a non-violent communication framework; identifying communications styles; understanding the connection […]

One Family’s Submission to the Joint Committee on the Constitutional Amendment on Children May 2008

Introduction In general One Family supports the submissions to the joint committee made by the Ombudsman for Children and by the Children’s Rights Alliance. One Family is therefore limiting its response to Clause 1 (Article 42(A).1), Clause 2 (Article 42(A) 2.1) and Clause 4 (Article 42(A).4. Submission-PDF file -May-2008