One Family Campaigned for a YES Vote to Repeal the 8th Amendment from the Constitution

One Family campaigned for a YES vote on 25 May 2018 to remove the 8th amendment from the Constitution. We know from our work over 45 years with women experiencing unplanned or crisis pregnancies that the 8th amendment harms their mental and physical health.

You can read One Family’s submission to the Citizen Assembly on the 8th Amendment here.

We know that the issue of abortion in Ireland is sensitive, divisive, shaming and often secret. We know that it has been hard for some of our clients that we have taken this position as they may not agree with us but we do still really respect their position.

We know that this referendum campaign has been hard for many, many women who have had unplanned pregnancies or had abortions. We know that this national conversation is polarised, sometimes misinforming and can overlook real people’s lived experiences.

Learn more about folks experiences with abortion here.

The Campaign was successful and Ireland voted to Repeal the eighth amendment by a margin of 66.4%.

Together for Yes showed that when people from different backgrounds come together to achieve change, we can make history.