Babysitter and Baby

10 Ways to Find the Best Babysitter for Your Family

Finding a babysitter you can trust and whom your child loves can seem like a daunting task, especially for parents who may not have family or close friends to ask or who live nearby. There are a number of online sites available now to help but where possible, a reference from someone known to us […]

Featured Service | Young People in Care

Every month a member of the One Family services team explains more about the particular supports they offer. This month, Counselling Support Worker Lisa Maguire writes about One Family supports available to young people in care. This service is for young people who are pregnant or already parenting and who are in care or have […]

Happy child

10 Ways to Improve Your Child’s Self Esteem

Children are a wonderful gift, but they are very delicate and it is often easy for them to feel unappreciated or ignored. As parents, it is very important to make sure our children are growing up happy and confident, and to do that we must make sure they feel special, appreciated, and loved. By recognising […]

Group of people

10 Ways to Respect Differences

Everyone is different, and it is important to be sensitive to that fact. Children look up to their parents and will imitate their behaviour, so the way you act towards others who are different can have a profound impact on them. By making sure you are respectful to everyone, you can ensure your children will […]

Mortar Board

Applications Open for New Futures

New Futures :: New Confidence :: New Opportunities Are you parenting on your own or sharing parenting? Do you want to get back into employment or education but struggle with where and how to start? Take time to discover who you are and what you want in life by joining One Family’s New Futures programme. Enhance yourself […]

Thumbs up

10 Ways to Be Assertive

Assertiveness is a wonderful quality to have, and as long as you know how to use it properly it can be help you be direct and clear in your communication with others. In order to be successful with communication, there are several guidelines we can all follow to ensure our point is being made in […]

New Compulsory Registration of Father’s Names on Birth Certificates

Press Release Compulsory registration of birth certificates will require General Register Office to be highly trained  One Family – Ireland’s organisation for one-parent families and people sharing parenting – today welcomed the publication of the Civil Registration (Amendment) Bill 2014 whilst also warning about the problems that will arise in some difficult cases requiring sensitivity […]

Girl in sun

10 Ways to Keep Your Children Safe in the Sun

Summer is here, and everyone loves a nice day outside in the sunshine. While summer can be full of fun, it is not without risk: the sun, the heat, bugs and pools can be dangerous to your child, so make sure you know how to look out for them while still having a good time […]

Un Logo

Ireland Votes No to Narrow Definition of the Family at UN Human Rights Council

One Family is disappointed about the narrow definition of family contained in Resolution A/HRC/26/L.20/Rev.1 that was passed at the UN recently, especially in this year of the 20th anniversary of International Year of the Family, but welcomes that Ireland voted NO.  Previous UN resolutions on the family include language, agreed by all States, that recognised that “various forms […]

Shortfalls for Children of Separated Parents in Report on Draft Children & Family Relationships Bill

Press Release Shortfalls for Children of Separated Parents in Justice Committee Report on Draft Children & Family Relationships Bill (Dublin, Wednesday 9 July 2014) One Family – Ireland’s organisation for one-parent families and parents sharing parenting – welcomes the publication of the report from the Justice Committee on the Children & Family Relationships Bill […]

Sad Girl

10 Ways to Support a Child who is Bullying

There are often complex reasons behind why a child is bullying. A child who is bullying usually has some unmet needs at home or at school. They may be confused about why they’re behaving the way they are.  Some children who bully may be aware of the harm their behaviour is causing but feel powerless […]

A July of Fear and Insecurity for over 9,000 Lone Parents

Press Release A July of Fear and Insecurity for over 9,000 Lone Parents One Family will state at the pre-budget forum that Department of Social Protection has put lone parent families in the frontline of austerity and the back of the queue for the recover. (Dublin, Thursday 3 July 2014) One Family – Ireland’s […]

Sad boy

10 Ways to Support a Child Who is Being Bullied

It is agonising for a parent or guardian to suspect or learn that their child is being bullied while at school. The priority if this happens is to understand and support your child, while taking action to stop the bullying and doing everything possible to prevent it happening again in the future. As part of […]

Maura O'Dea Richards_150x150

One Family Documentary Wins at New York Festivals

One Family is proud and delighted that the Today FM documentary Cherish All The Children, produced and presented by Hilary Fennell, has won an award in the Social Issues Category at the New York Festivals Radio Awards. The one-hour radio documentary explores the founding of Cherish/One Family in 1972 and includes interviews with the organisation’s first […]

Photo: Mark Stedman/Photocall Ireland

Terms of Reference of the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes

The Department of Children and Youth Affairs advised today that those wishing to make a submission regarding the Terms of Reference of the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes should, in order to adhere to the tight timeframe agreed, lodge their submissions no later than 12.00 pm on Monday 30 June 2014. One Family […]

One Family Pre-Budget Submission 2015

“If you looked at me you’d never think I have only €16 to my name. I wear a suit to work in a very well known company, my son is in a good crèche, I live in a 3 bedroom house (because it’s €100k in negative equity so I can’t afford to sell it). And […]

One Family Logo

One-Parent Family Success Stories at One Family and our Pre-Budget Submission

Press Release One-Parent Family Success Stories at One Family Government Must Step Up to the Mark and Enable Lone Parents to have a Fighting Chance in our Economy (Dublin, Wednesday 18 June 2014) One Family – Ireland’s organisation for one-parent families – celebrates the achievements of almost 100 lone parents who have completed its […]

Family Communications Tightrope

10 Ways to Better Problem Solving

All families experience problems at some time. No matter how strong a family unit is or how positive our relationships, siblings will still argue, parents may be stressed over finances, bedtime routines may be difficult to establish.  The demands of daily life can be challenging and problems can easily arise. If a recurring problem is […]

One Family Logo

One Family Statement on Mother and Baby Homes

One Family Statement on Mother and Baby Homes One Family, in following recent media coverage in relation to the Tuam Mother and Baby Home, shares the widespread concerns voiced in relation to the treatment of mothers and children and to the remains of deceased infants which has led to the start of a wider conversation […]

Enjoy our Happy Family Day Video

Our annual Family Day Festival took place on Sunday 18 May in Dublin’s Iveagh Gardens. Despite the heavy rain, we had a brilliant day with wonderful singers, musicians, poets, performers, sports, storytelling and puppet shows to entertain us, excellent workshops, and information from a variety of family focused and cultural organisations. View this short Family Day Festival video […]