Social Welfare Payments and Maintenance

Date for the removal of child maintenance from social welfare means-tests announced.

The date for the removal of child maintenance payments from means-tested social welfare payments has been announced, see press release here.

From 4th June 2024, child maintenance payments will be excluded from all social welfare means-tests.

Many lone parents currently on reduced rates of social welfare payments will see their payment increase. People who were not eligible before may be eligible now, if they meet all of the other conditions for a payment.

We have been advised that reviews of claims where child maintenance was included will take place automatically. There is no need for people to take any action. The Department of Social Protection will identify cases where child maintenance has been included, and will review the claims.

The Department will be contacting people over the coming weeks to let them know about the review, and to tell them about any changes to their payment.   

There is more information on the changes to how child maintenance is to be assessed on our website here: Changes to how child maintenance is treated.