CETS Programme to be expanded to include CE Participants
One Family has advocated for the Childcare Education and Training Support (CETS) Programme to be expanded to include CE Participants as the lack of access to affordable childcare is a barrier to participation for parents with young children, particularly lone parents. We are pleased to have received notification that it is being expanded from 1 January 2014 to include CE Participants.
Access to the CETS Programme for CE participants will mean participants can access childcare for the first time in the same way as participants pursuing FAS/VEC training courses.
An Information Leaflet for individuals wishing to avail of this scheme can be read/downloaded here: CETS Leaflet.
The Afterschool Childcare Scheme will also remain available in 2014. The Department has told us that it “is currently reviewing the criteria for this scheme based on the experience of the pilot with a view to ensuring that the scheme provides support at the most valuable point in time for our customers.” We will issue any updates as received.