One Family on RTE’s Prime Time

Candy Murphy, One Family Policy Director, speaks up for one-parent families on RTE One TV’s Prime Time in response to Budget 2011 – see this link – Candy starts at 8 minutes 54 seconds in –

Snow or no snow – the show will go on tonight

Handel’s Messiah is the perfect compliment to the festive weather and The Culwick Choral Society were in fine voice last night. The show starts again at 8pm tonight, 2 December, at St Patrick’s Cathedral. Tickets €30 at the door, supporting one-parent families. Please spread the word. The Cathedral will be warm and toasty, the atmosphere will […]

Parent alone and worried by budget?

Do you parent alone and feel you are badly hit by budget cuts to your welfare payments? If you’d like to speak out about this in the media please email us at as soon as you can. Thanks.

One Family video shortlisted for award

Thanks to everyone who voted for our family equality video. We got hundreds of votes in a very short space of time and really appreciate your support. You can view it here

Thanks for voting for our family equality video

We got hundreds of votes for our family equality video in an incredibly short space of time and fingers crossed we get into the shortlist to win €3000 for the charity. View it here – comments welcome. A big thank you to everyone who voted!