Farewell to Marguerite

Today we bid farewell to our Counselling Manager, Marguerite McCarthy, who is retiring after seventeen years with One Family. Marguerite, sometimes described as a quiet subversive; pioneered unplanned pregnancy and post-abortion counselling with her predecessor Sherie de Burgh, supporting thousands of women, men and children throughout her career. She leaves in place a dedicated, professional, […]

New One Family publications

We have a number of new publications available this month including or new ‘Services Brochure’ and ‘Strategy 2019-2021’ booklet please click on images below for more details: Services Brochure:                               One Family Strategy 2019- 2021:

askonefamily helpline develops new information resources for parents

The askonefamily helpline has developed the first in a series of new information resources to help one-parent families An entitlements map – An easy to understand visual aid outlining the supports available to you as a lone parent in work or out of paid work. Tutorial – Step-by-step guide on How to fill out the […]

askonefamily | Holiday Season Opening Hours

The Board and staff of One Family wish you and your family a peaceful and joyful festive season. Our office and our askonefamily helpline close on Thursday 22 December 2016 and will reopen on Tuesday 3 January 2017. We have gathered these numbers for other services that you may find useful if you need information or support over the […]

askonefamily | The Helpline for People Parenting Alone, Sharing Parenting or Separating

askonefamily is a helpline offering information and listening support for men and women who may be parenting alone, sharing parenting or separating. The helpline is also available to extended family, friends or professionals. People call askonefamily for all kinds of reasons. They may have a question about their financial situation, maybe they are finding it difficult […]