Children’s Voices Must be Heard in Divorce Process

Leading one-parent family organisation One Family today held a seminar on children’s rights in the divorce process. On the tenth anniversary of divorce in Ireland, the seminar is a real opportunity to increase our understanding of children’s experience of divorce and how their needs can best be reflected in the legal process of divorce. ‘Families […]

Budget Fails to Address Child Poverty in Poorest Families

National one-parent family organisation One Family today were disappointed with the dismal increase in the top-up payment targeted at those with children dependent on social welfare – the first increase to the Child Dependent Allowance (CDA) for 12 years. Commenting on the increase Candy Murphy, One Family’s Policy Manager said ‘while we welcome a move […]

Budget must not forget poorest families

National one-parent family organisation One Family today called on the Government not to forget that in a time when the coffers are full, many one-parent families continue to struggle in a vicious cycle of poverty. Commenting on tomorrow’s Budget, One Family’s Policy & Campaigns Manager, Candy Murphy stated that ‘poverty is no longer an issue […]

Santy Bagel Helps One-Parent Families: Vital Christmas Helpline Launched

One-parent family organisation One Family is today delighted to announce a new partnership with itsa bagel. During December, 50 cent from every Santy Bagel sold in the four itsa bagel Dublin stores will go towards funding a special helpline service to support one-parent families over the difficult holiday period. Speaking at the launch of the […]

Human rights being denied in Ireland today – One Family launches human rights publication

One-parent family organisation One Family today calls on Government to ensure that one-parent families are no longer denied many of their basic human rights. Speaking at the launch of their new publication, Human Rights and One-Parent Families, One Family Director, Karen Kiernan, said that ‘we tend to think of human rights as something that is […]