One Family’s Stuart Duffin on RTE calling for Child Benefit reform

Listen back to Stuart Duffin, One Family Welfare to Work Manager, speaking out on RTE 1’s Drivetime yesterday, calling for reform of the Child Benefit system. He is at 01:57:00:00 towards the end of the show, here is the link!rii=9%3A3367480%3A83%3A14-08-2012%3A

One Family,Ten Solutions – cost neutral solutions to help lone parents back into work & education

Stuart Duffin, One Family, Welfare to Work Manager, was at the 66th Labour Party Conference in Galway over the weekend promoting One Family’s course of   action in response to Budget 2012.  All 750 copies of the paper, One Family – Ten Solutions – Smarter Futures were taken and read. One Family is advocating cost neutral administrative […]

Budget 2012 main social welfare changes and rates

this is the excerpt

One Family responds to Bishop’s comment

One Family Director Karen Kiernan was responding this morning on WLR and yesterday on Today FM’s ‘Last Word’, Newstalk and Spin 103.8 to a piece in the Irish Independent where Bishop of Elphin Christopher Jones said “the greatest good” would “come ultimately from the family in marriage” and that many children from broken homes are […]

One Family election manifesto published

One Family’s election manifesto has been sent to all the political parties and we will keep you up-dated of any feedback. You can read our manifesto here