Policy submission on the EU Child Guarantee

Focus groups on One Family’s strategy

One Family is inviting people who are parenting alone, sharing parenting or separating to participate a focus group on the organisation’s strategy 2022-2025.  We are asking parent to share their thoughts about the services and policy areas we should be focused on for the next three years.  The focus group will take place online and […]

Policy Submission | National Equity of Access Plan for Higher Education

Education is the key to unlocking quality employment opportunities for people parenting alone and sharing parenting, which has a crucial part to play in breaking cycles of disadvantage and poverty. One Family’s policy team has made a submission to the Higher Education Authority on the National Equity of Access Plan for Higher Education. To read […]

One Family – Family Law Conference

One Family submission on the review of the Student Grant Scheme – SUSI (Student Universal Support Ireland)

One Family have made a submission to the  review of the Student Grant Scheme – SUSI (Student Universal Support Ireland).  To read the submission including One Family’s recommendations for changes to the SUSI grant to improve access and administration of the scheme for one-parent families click here.