Minister Burton responds to Ciara Conway TD re One Family queries

Ciara Conway T.D. has kindly given us permission to share the following information. Following our meeting with Ciara and our two page budget analysis, she raised several issues about the budget cuts with Minister Burton. Minister Burton’s letter of response is enclosed here and this is One Family Director Karen Kiernan’s response to Ciara Conway: […]

Update on our campaign to reverse budget cuts

Here is any update on what we’ve been doing – we have lobbied every TD and senator by phone or email and have managed to get meetings with Labour and FG politicians today to try and get changes to the proposed cuts. Senators are also raising questions for us today. We have also emailed thousands […]

European Parliament adopts a report on the Situation of Single Mothers

On 25 October the European Parliament approved an own initiative report on the situation of single mothers, to which Eurochild contributed together with its member organisation One Family. The report outlines that in 2001 85% of single parents were women aged 25-65 and that these women are statistically less educated than married counterparts, face higher […]

Please vote for One Family video

We need your votes every day please between now and 11 November for a short video about Family Day which we have submitted for the Better Together Awards. If we get enough votes the video will go into the top ten and could win €3000 for One Family. All you need to do is click […]

Lots of media this week about one-parent families and One Family

Jamelia has made a wonderful documentary on Single Mums showing on BBC3, for air times see Our Director Karen Kiernan has been speaking about social welfare fraud and lone parents on TV3’s Ireland AM at in response to a very poor article in the Irish Daily Mail on the issue on Tuesday. Finally […]