Entries by Comms

Training | New Professional Development Workshops in Sligo and Limerick

One Family is pleased to announce two new half-day workshops for professionals who work with families, parents and/or children: 1. Supporting Families in Conflict-Reducing Communication. This workshop explores how to build skills to support parents in practicing clear and direct communication in relation to common family dilemmas; using a non-violent communication framework; identifying communications styles; understanding the connection […]

Parenting | Accepting teen relationships

As children mature into teenagers, innocent childhood crushes on school-friends can give way to more serious romantic interest. By the time your child reaches secondary school, you can support them with dating. It is better as a parent to support this than to forbid them and have your child sneak behind your back.  Allow your […]

Parenting | How to answer the awkward questions?

Children are inquisitive. They love information. They ask constant questions because their minds are continuously processing everything they see and hear. Children come to their parents all the time to clarify the things they don’t really understand. As parents, we want to help our children learn and understand yet sometimes when they ask an ‘awkward question’ it is tempting […]

Press Release | More Cherishing Needed for One-Parent Families

Press Release More Cherishing Needed for One-Parent Families The ESRI publishes analysis of inequalities among children in modern Ireland. (Dublin, Tuesday 11 October 2016) One Family – Ireland’s organisation for people parenting alone, sharing parenting, and separating – responds to the study released today by the ESRI entitled ‘Cherishing all the Children Equally?’ which confirms […]

News | One Family Summary of Budget 2017

One Family has summarised Budget 2017 changes which may be relevant to people parenting alone or sharing parenting, as announced on Tuesday 11th October 2016. Social Welfare Payments Basic Rate of Payment Including One Parent Family Payment, Jobseeker’s Allowance Transition, Jobseeker’s Allowance, Carer’s Allowance and others. This includes employment programmes such as CE, TÚS and […]