Entries by Comms

Update on the Single Person Child Carer Credit

Many worried parents are calling our askonefamily lo-call helpline regarding the Single Person Child Carer Credit which has replaced the One-Parent Family Credit from 1st January 2014. The Single Person Child Carer Credit (SPCCC) is different from the One-Parent Family Credit (OPFC) as now it is only available to one parent – the parent with whom the child […]

One Family Participating in EU Families and Societies Project

One Family is one of twenty experts and stakeholders from across Europe contributing to Families and Societies, a large-scale integrating project on the factors that define and shape what families will look like in the future, coordinated through Stockholm University. The projects runs until 31 January 2017. Questions being addressed include: Are existing social and family […]

Cherish All The Children – a Documentary about our Groundbreaking Founders

“A one hour documentary that tells the story of brave single mothers who took on the government.” Cherish All The Children is the remarkable story of One Family’s founders; those brave women who refused to give up their children for adoption 40 years ago. They formed Cherish, changed the law on illegitimacy and fought to get […]

New Report Proves Marriage is not Responsible for Children’s Well-being

Press Release New Report Proves Marriage is not Responsible for Children’s Well-being (Dublin, Friday 20 December 2013) One Family, Ireland’s leading organisation for one-parent families, welcomes the launch today of the report ‘Growing Up in a One-Parent Family’, a study by researchers at the University of Limerick using the ‘Growing Up in Ireland’ data, published […]

One Family Winter Party

Our annual Winter Party for current clients and their children took place yesterday in the beautiful Dublin Castle. It was great fun with almost 100 children and their families enthralled by master magician, Brian Daly.  Little faces were painted by our creative staff team; and all kinds of amazing balloon animals and toys created by Cathyrn Alexander. […]

Convention on the Constitution Announces Topics for Review

The Convention on the Constitution has just announced that it has chosen Dáil Reform and Economic, Social and Cultural rights for discussion at their final two meetings in February 2014. It is noted that the Family is included as one of the other prominent topics throughout the process and that “it is likely that the […]

CETS Programme to be expanded to include CE Participants

One Family has advocated for the Childcare Education and Training Support (CETS) Programme to be expanded to include CE Participants as the lack of access to affordable childcare is a barrier to participation for parents with young children, particularly lone parents. We are pleased to have received notification that it is being expanded from 1 January […]

Government has hindered not helped One-Parent Families in 2013

Press Release Government has hindered not helped One-Parent Families in 2013 (Dublin, Tuesday 10 December 2013) One Family, Ireland’s leading organisation for one-parent families, campaigned for 10 Solutions. No Cuts. in the lead up to Budget 2014. These ten solutions are practical and economic measures that would greatly improve the quality of the lives of […]

One-Parent Family Payment Income Disregard Change

Later this week, the Department of Social Protection will be issuing letters to affected One-Parent Family Payment (OFP) recipients informing them that, from 1 January 2014, the OFP scheme’s income disregard will be reduced from its current amount of €110 per week to €90 per week for the duration of 2014. In Budget 2012, it […]