Entries by Comms

Family Day, Sunday 15 May 2011

One Family and EBS want you to celebrate families on Family Day, Sunday 15 May 2011 – and be in with the chance to win €1000! All you have to do is hold a family-themed event. If you are an organisation, think about story telling events, arts and crafts projects or talks. If you are […]

Tune In: ‘My Dad’ on RTÉ Radio 1 19 March

Tune into ‘My Dad’ on RTÉ radio 1 – this documentary lays bare the realities of single fatherhood, introducing three single or separated Dad’s as they tell us about their circumstances and how their role as parents has changed their lives. RTÉ One Radio 19 March at 2 pm, repeated Sunday 20 March at 7.02pm. […]

Census of Population on April 10

Reminder – a Census of Population will take place in Ireland on April 10 next and everyone who is in Ireland on that night must be included in the census. It is important for us all as a society that everyone is included and that correct information is collected. If you represent a group or […]