Entries by Comms

Volunteers wanted for Family Day!

One Family is looking for volunteers to help plan our Family Day which takes place on Sunday 13th May in the Iveagh gardens from 11-5pm. Family Day is a national celebration of the diversity of families and family life in Ireland. ‘Mothers’ Day is for mums and ‘Fathers’ Day is for dads but Family Day […]

One Family Director Karen Kiernan on RTE with Joan Burton

One Family Director Karen Kiernan was on RTE TV’s Frontline last night with Joan Burton TD. Karen was speaking up for lone parents and the Jobbridge programme set up by government last week. Karen got to make a few points about the activation of lone parnents, http://www.rte.ie/news/av/2012/0227/thefrontline.html at 44 minutes in.

Volunteers Needed for Media Research

 Volunteers Needed for Media Research and Project Co-ordination for One Family 40th Anniversary One Family is Ireland’s leading organisation for one-parent families. Set up as Cherish in 1972, with Mary Robinson as Chairperson, we mark our 40th anniversary this year and have a number of campaigns and projects planned. We are looking for skilled volunteers […]

Briefing doc from DSP on final changes to OPF payment

Here is the Briefing document on Changes to OFP  from DSP on the (final) changes to the One Parent Family payment following the budget. If you’ve any questions feel free to contact askonefamily helpline 1890622122. Several additional points that came up in the discussion were: OPFP recipients who move on to the back to education […]

Messiah raises €10,000 for One Family

One Family is so grateful to The Culwick Choir and all who attended their wonderful Messiah concert in St Patrick’s Cathedral – thanks to you all we raised almost €10,000 for our askonefamily helpline 1890 662212. Hallelujah! Here is a short audio piece on the event…http://monicashamsterwheel.wordpress.com/2012/02/06/794/