Policy | Assessment Change Could Reduce the Impact of Poverty on Lone Parents

One Family, Ireland’s organisation for people parenting alone, sharing parenting, and separating, has voiced its concern that child maintenance is to be assessed as parental income under the Affordable Childcare Scheme. According to the organisation, if child maintenance is assessed as child income rather than parental income it could significantly reduce the impact of poverty […]

Update | Office Closed This Week

***Updated Thursday 1 March *** The One Family office will now be closed until Monday 5th of March. We can be contacted during normal office hours at support@onefamily.ie ————————————————————————————————————————— Our office will be closed today, Wednesday 28 February, due to the adverse weather conditions and the status red weather warning. We are unable to go […]

Press Release | Another New Report Shows Lone Parents Experience Higher Levels of Deprivation and Child Poverty

One Family, Ireland’s organisation for people parenting alone, sharing parenting, and separating, welcomes the ERSI report Poverty Dynamics of Social Risk Groups in the EU in relation to the specific barriers faced by lone parents in both accessing work and their experience of higher levels of deprivation and child poverty. The paper draws on the […]

Policy | One Family Welcome Child Maintenance Proposal

One Family welcome the launch of Sinn Féin’s proposal paper on the establishment of a statutory Child Maintenance Service. This proposal is an important first step in clearly asserting that the payment of child maintenance is not a discretionary gift, but a legal requirement, and the responsibility of both parents. It is the State’s responsibility […]

10 Ways to Talk to Your Children About Death

When someone in the family or community dies, children are at times kept away from it. Death is a very normal part of life and children, like adults, need to know and understand what is happening, at an age appropriate level of course. They also need closure and support to deal with the loss. Many […]