‘New Futures’ for lone parents launched in Galway today

An intensive career and personal development initiative for lone parents is being launched in Galway today, to prevent those most in need from falling into long-term unemployment. ‘New Futures’ is a unique programme developed by One Family, funded through FAS and delivered in partnership with the Galway City Partnership. It is targeted at lone parents […]

TV3’s Midweek seeks parents affected by budget

TV3’s Midweek is looking for people who parent alone, and who find themselves struggling since the budget cuts, to take part on their Weds 26 Jan show. Please call 087 6495710 if you are interested.

Want a free makeover?

Parenting alone can be a costly business and leave little time for pampering yourself, but, RTE’s fashion series Off The Rails are looking for candidates. You get the makeover,  €500 worth of clothes and travel expenses – so it’s a great idea if you’re in a ‘New Year, New Me’ kind of mood.  Email offtherails@rte.ie […]