Submission in relation to consultation on discussion paper on the rights and duties of cohabitees

One Family broadly welcomes the treatment of the issue of non-marital relationships by the Law Reform Commission on this occasion.  Particularly given that 2004 marks the 10th anniversary of the UN International Year of the Family, it is imperative that current and persistent barriers to the full equality and equal status of all families and […]

Strategy for Strengthening Families

One Family welcomes the opportunity to make a submission in the process of development of a strategy for strengthening families in this 10th anniversary year of the UN International Year of the Family.  On this occasion One Family will focus the submission on the issues to be considered and recommendations regarding provision within the strategy […]

Your Education System

One Family is delighted to have an opportunity to submit to the consultation process “Your Education System” regarding educational access and outcomes for solo parents.  It is not our intention on this occasion to focus on the experience of children in one-parent families in education. Your-Education-System-PDF

National Review of Family Support Services

As a provider of practical support services for one-parent families since 1972 One Family is pleased to be involved in this review.  Our response has been presented in response to the questions as posed in the consultation framework document. National-Review-of-Family-Support-services-06-PDF