Changing Families – Supporting Children’s Needs When Parents Separate

This training programme will be delivered in two parts. Part 1 is a self-directed E-learning course and Part 2 contains three interactive Zoom workshops.

Workshop Details

Date: E-learning course access starts September 1st

Location: E-learning course, Virtual Workshops via Zoom

Cost: €125 – to be paid on booking through eventbrite

Availability: 30 places

More Information

This course has been designed and developed by One Family, specifically to support front line practitioners working with families post separation. The course is endorsed by Social Care Ireland and will count towards CPD accreditation.

This E-learning course contains 10 units, exploring family and family change in Ireland. With this understanding the learner begins to explore and understand the needs of children post separation and the competing needs of parents during this time of family change.

The course will assist you in front line practice to recognise the needs of children and parents, maintaining a child centred focus in work with parents. Learners will be feeling more informed in identifying children’s unmet needs and the importance of family wellbeing.

You will feel more confident in aiding parents to create shared parenting arrangements for children which recognise the need for safe and consistent access with both parents post separation.

Three Interactive Zoom Sessions:

  • Session 1: October 2nd 9.30am-1pm – Supporting Children’s Needs Post Separation
  • Session 2: October 9th 9.30am-1pm – Sharing Parenting Successfully
  • Session 3: October 16th 9.30am-1pm – Talking with Children About Their Family Form

During the interactive zoom sessions, the focus will be on sharing practice and using real life examples to unpack the most complex and challenging issues separated families face.

You will have opportunities to learn from your colleagues in break out rooms, while exploring the challenges you face when trying to support a separated family – ensuring the needs of the child stay front and central to the process.

Guest speakers will join us over the three weeks and share their learning, supporting you in developing and applying best practice.

At the end of the Hybrid Course you will:

  • Understand the impact separation/divorce has on children and parents and how you can support parents to meet the needs of children at this time.
  • Have an awareness of what parenting plans are and feel confident to support parents to champion the role both parents can play in the child’s life post separation.
  • Feel confident to support parents to reflect on their own style of communication and support them to become assertive, in turn decreasing conflict and increasing communication levels between parents in post separation.
  • Be aware of the complexity of access in post separation parenting and feel confident in supporting parents to take a child centred perspective to developing child access arrangements.
  • Feel confident in supporting parents to have pride in their new family form, and help them tackle the awkward questions children have at time of family change