Education and Training Resources
The following are some links to further information available for those who wish to pursue education and training or develop new skills:
- The Qualifax website is a good source of information on available courses. If you are thinking about going back to education but you are not sure what courses are available this can be a good first step.
- The Careers Portal website allows you to search for available course and offers help and information on different career options.
- One Step Up is a website that promotes access to learning for adults. It has a calendar of education events, such as college open days as well as an interactive tool to identify options for learning, according to your profile and needs as well as information on local education services.
- Your local Education and Training board (ETB) will also have information on courses and options available to you. Contact your local ETB for further information.
- You can also contact your local Intreo office or Employment Services Office (formerly FAS offices) to arrange a guidance interview and to get information on courses, most of which are free of charge.
- The Adult Educational Guidance Services (AEGS) provide impartial careers and education information to adults who wish to return to education and training or are already registered on a further education and training programme within the ETBs – to make informed educational, career and life choices.
- Aontas, the national adult learning network, has a good information booklet on education and training for adults that you can download from their website.
- NALA (National Adult Literacy Agency) has free help available to you if you need some help improving your reading, writing or maths. You may get some help on a one to one basis, in groups or there is the option of on-line learning at home. For more information you can call 1800 20 20 65 or take a look at their website.
- The Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science have developed a series of helpful resources about education and training.