
All in person courses in One Family are currently free.

Course Details

There will be a maximum of 7 parents in your course. The course will last for 2 hours each week over a 8-week period and you will get a certificate of attendance. Your facilitator is experienced in offering parenting courses and will work on the issues the group would like to most see addressed over the 8-week period.

You DO NOT need to have an exceptional level of written English, as the course will be more practical. There will be some handouts each week to take home.

Making Connections

Each week there will be a short break for tea/coffee and you will have an opportunity to get to know the other parents on your course. This course will offer you peer support and time to get out and meet others as you share the challenges of parenting.

After the Course

You will also learn about the other services One Family has to offer. Further supports can be provided if those are something you’re interested in.

Stay and Play

Every week there will be a different type of play experience for you and your child to enjoy together. This may include messy play, sensory play, constructive play, music, story time and much more for your little ones to enjoy!

Stay and Play Parenting Course

Type of Course: In person, parent and children aged 0-2.8 years.

Course Summary: Positive Parenting for Changing families – Stay & Play offers targeted support to lone parents parenting young children who are pre, the preschool stage. We have three stages in our Positive Parenting for Changing Families Programme – this is stage2; stage 1 introduces parents to baby massage and focuses on the importance of self-care and reducing the stress of parenting alone. Stage 3 is a group-based programme, that works through many of the concepts discussed in stage 1 and 2 however it is done in a more formal setting, without the babies joining parents.

During the 8-week programme parents will:

  • Attend the weekly sessions with their young child and be supported to engage in playful experiences in a dedicated play-based centre.
  • Through group engagement parents will have opportunities to explore their parenting journey and the joys and challenges of parenting alone or sharing parenting of an infant/toddler.
  • Be supported by the group facilitator who will share tips and resources to help parents to develop their parenting knowledge, gain a deeper understanding of the value of play and how to create play based experiences for young children in order to aid their development.
  • Be supported to share their ideas within the group and to ask questions about what to expect as your baby grows and develops.
  • Have weekly opportunities to meet and chat with other parents, parenting alone or post separation; to share the joys and challenges, learn from each other, offer supportive tips to each other and develop a support network, to combat the isolation that can be present, when parenting alone.
  • Be supported to grow in confidence in their parenting journey and in their family form.
  • Engage in conversation with the group facilitator and other parents, creating time to explore routines, consistency, sleep patterns, weaning, play time, feeling and behaviours, language development, developmental milestones and so much more.
  • Over the course of the 8 weeks, the facilitator can arrange to invite a guest speaker to join the group for a Q&A to support parents in their parenting journey.

Lone parents, those sharing parenting or parenting post separation.

  • Parents will be supported to foster self-esteem and confidence in your parenting.
  • Develop an understanding of young children’s behaviours, finding appropriate ways to respond and manage childhood behaviours; learning what active listening is; understanding your parenting style; developing an appreciation for the concept of the ‘Good Enough Parent” and develop ways to manage stressful times and self-care while parenting.
  • The concept of Quality Time will be promoted as a practice through 1-1 activities between parent – child.
  • Develop support networks for parents especially when parenting alone, or away from extended family.
  • Create awareness of the importance of self-care – as been the best gift a parent can give their child, at any age.

At the end of this course, you will have:

  • Have developed a deeper knowledge of the value of play for your growing baby and the ability to create play-based experiences in the home.
  • Have gained confidence in your parenting and ability to communicate and engage with other parents, in turn supporting you in many areas of your life.
  • Understand parenting styles and how to respond best to you baby needs.
  • Developed a support network, where you can continue to combat the impact of isolation and loneliness that can coincide with parenting alone, giving increased positive outcomes for parents’ mental health and wellbeing.
  • Become more confident in your family form and continue to develop your knowledge around diverse families in Ireland, to support your child as they grow in curiosity.

One Family – 8 Coke Lane, Smithfield, Dublin 7

If you have any questions please contact:

Elaine McKiernan


Phone: 01 662 9212

To register please contact:

Elaine McKiernan


Phone: 01 662 9212

How to Join an In-Person Course:
  1. Register on – see the instructions below.
  2. Once you have registered on One Family will be notified.
  3. You will also be asked to complete the One Family Registration process at this time. This then allows us to hold your data and make contact with you.
  4. Following these steps a member of the parenting team will make contact with you to discuss your course choice and secure your place on the course.