Understanding the Impact of Homelessness – Threshold

Workshop Details

Date: Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Time: 13:00

Location: Virtual Workshop via Zoom

Cost: FREE

Availability: 50 places

More Information

As front line practitioners, homelessness and the threat of homelessness is a very prevalent issue for many parents/children seeking support. Understanding this sector, will support you in your direct work with families affected.

The Facilitator – Threshold

The Separation Network | One Family invite you to a workshop which will support your understanding of the rights of private renters and the threat of homelessness many families, in particular separated families may be experiencing today. The presentation will guide you through the role of Threshold as a national housing organisation; outlining the provision of their advice service and how to contact them. The workshop will highlight the Tenancy Protection Service, preventing homelessness and the main issues that Threshold assist tenants with and their work in representing tenants at the RTB and WRC.

Read more about the work of Threshold here: https://threshold.ie/