Working Family Payment

The Working Family Payment (WFP) is a weekly tax-free social welfare payment payable to working families who are on a lower income. The rate paid is based on family size. It may apply to you and your family if:

  • You are working 19 hours or more a week or 38 hours or more a fortnight;
  • Your employment is likely to last 3 months or more;
  • You are looking after one or more children aged under 18 or between 18 and 22 and in full time education;
  • You are earning less than the income limits for your family size.

The income limits, which are set out below, are based on weekly net income, that is, after tax, PRSI, superannuation and universal social charge have been deducted. If your weekly net income is less than the rate for your family size, and you meet all of the other conditions, you may be entitled to the payment.

Family size 2024 Weekly Income Limits2024 Annual Income Limits
1 child€645

2 children

3 children
4 children
5 children€1,064€55,328
6 children€1,180€61,360
7 children€1,316€68,432
8+ children€1,412€73,424

Income is assessed as income from work (including overtime or bonuses), most social welfare and HSE payments, maintenance payments*(see note below on changes to how maintenance will be treated), and any income from pensions or self-employment. Non-cash benefits are not assessed as means.

Payments that are not included in the assessment of income are Child Benefit, Domiciliary Care Allowance, Guardian’s payments, Supplementary Welfare Allowance and Fuel Allowance. 

A full list of income assessed and excluded income from is available here.

*There is information on the changes to how maintenance is to be assessed on our website here: Changes to how child maintenance is treated.

The WFP payment is 60% of the difference between the net family income and the set income limit for your family size.

If you qualify, even if only by a small margin, the minimum payment made is €20 a week. You cannot get WFP if you are taking part in a Community Employment (CE) Scheme.

  • The Back to Work Family Dividend is available for people who are in work and who are no longer eligible for either Jobseeker’s payments or One-Parent Family Payment because of their employment.
  • The means test for WFP does not include the payment of the Back to Work Family Dividend.

Working Family Payment & Other Payments

  • Working Family Payment is not taxable and does not affect secondary benefits if you receive them already.
  • If you are getting WFP you may also be entitled to the Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance.
  • Your income from WFP is not taken into account in the assessment for a medical card if you are otherwise eligible.
  • Working Family Payment is not a qualifying payment for Fuel Allowance purposes. However, if a person is in receipt of One-Parent Family Payment and WFP they may be entitled to the allowance.
  • The Back to Work Family Dividend (BTWFD) and WFP can be paid together and the BTWFD will not be taken into account in the income test for WFP.
  • WFP can be paid at the same time as One-Parent Family Payment provided you meet the conditions and means test for both payments. If you are already in receipt of WFP and also receive One-Parent Family Payment (OFP) but are coming off the payment due to the age of your youngest child, then your WFP payment will be automatically reassessed on the basis of the loss of the OFP. It will not make up for the full loss of the OFP but may account for up to 60% of the OFP payment.
  • WFP and Jobseeker’s Transitional Payment cannot be paid at the same time.
  • If you are working, you may be eligible for the SPCCC – the Single Person Child Carer Credit which is an additional tax credit for people parenting alone.

To claim the Working Family Payment you will need to have two recent payslips and your Certificate of Tax Credits from Revenue to send with your application form.

To get an application form or for more information contact your local INTREO centre.

You can send your completed Working Family Payment application form to:

Working Family Payment (WFP) Section

Department of Social Protection

Social Welfare Services Office Government Buildings, Ballinalee Road

Longford, Ireland

Opening Hours:

Phone line: 10:00am – 4.00pm, Monday to Friday

Tel | 074 916 4575

Homepage |

Online Applications:

The quickest way to apply for Working Family Payment is through A customer with a basic MyWelfare account can submit an application but will not have the full benefits of a verified MyGovID account. You can access this service here.

You can also use the following email addresses for payment or application queries (applications are generally not accepted by email):

Page last modified: May 24th 2024